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This workflow is used to access the data in existing art format data files. If you don't know what art files are, please review the basic information at ComputingTutorials. Some major collaboration efforts to make files for analysis were the "cd3" processing in 2015 and the MDC2018 processing in 2018. Individual users may also produce and upload datasets.

Finding data

In a typical scenario, you will be given or find a dataset name, such as Usually this will arise out of discussions with you physics group or mentor. You can also discover these from the listing of MDC 2018 data or the full listing.

Once you have the dataset name, you can see the list of files in the dataset with

setup mu2e
setup mu2efiletools
mu2eDatasetFileList  <dataset name> > fcllist.txt

fcllist.txt will contain one file per line, with the full path to the file, usually in dCache (path starts with "/pnfs"). This list is what will drive your job.

Running jobs

Analysis Methods

You have a choice of how to convert the art files into histograms or similar formats to get at the anlaysis quantities you need. We have a summary of at Ntuples