Mu2e Offline Tutorial

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Tutorial Session Goal

This tutorial will show you how to work within the Mu2e Offline computing environment.

Docker vs the Mu2e Interactive Machines

During the tutorial day in Minneapolis, most of you will do the tutorial exercises from within a Docker container on your own laptop. Much of the documentation linked below was written for people doing essentially the same activities when logged into the Mu2e interactive machines. The following link describes the correspondence between the Docker environment and the environment found on the Mu2e interactive machines.

Session Prerequisites and Advance Preparation

Look through the Getting Started wiki page. Not all of those links are live.

This provides a tour the interactive machines, authentication, and disks. You do not need the docker image, but you do need to log onto the central Mu2e interactive machines.

Last Minute Check

When you are ready to get starting with the Tutorial, please check:

  1. Have you installed the latest docker image? To do this give the command:
    docker images

    which will show all available docker images.

  2. Have you configured your laptop so that there is disk space that you can see both inside the docker image and from the host OS?
  3. Can you display windows launched from within the docker container on your laptop screen?
  4. Have you chosen an editor and figured out how to edit files for use in the docker container? Within the docker image, the only editors available are emacs and vi. If you have solved item 2, then you can edit files in the native OS for use inside the docker image; in this case, use your preferred editor from the host OS.

If the answer to any of the first 3 is "no", then check the Before You Arrive in Minnesota section of the June 2019 tutorial wiki home page; or ask one of the tutorial helpers.

If the answer to the last questions is "no" then talk to one of the tutorial helpers.

Session Introduction

Mu2e Offline is a collection of code and scripts used for simulation, reconstruction and analysis of Mu2e data. Offline is kept in a git repository. It depends on external software provided through cvmfs (Cern virtual machine file system). Users interact with Offline in several ways, with more or less of the code resident in your local working area. to link the slides to the session page. This tutorial will cover the basic structure of Offline, and show you how to create the local environment to work with Offline.

This session also covers a second topic, how to browse the Mu2e Geometry.

Please work through these two sets of tutorial materials:

Reference Materials