GeantChecklist: Difference between revisions

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So much of the understanding of the performance of mu2e depends on simulation studies that a change in geant version could have far-reaching effects.  This page contains a checklist for tests to perform before moving to a new geant.  Typically, some tests would be skipped because the expert decides the effort to validate would not be justified for the low level of risk.
So much of the understanding of the performance of mu2e depends on simulation studies that a change in geant4 version could have far-reaching effects.  This page contains a checklist for tests to perform before moving to a new geant4.  Typically, some tests would be skipped because the expert decides the effort to validate would not be justified for the low level of risk.

Line 7: Line 7:
# mt - slf7 prof/debug with mt linked, and OGL libraries, OGL not linked by default
# mt - slf7 prof/debug with mt linked, and OGL libraries, OGL not linked by default
# non-mt, with qt, slf7 prof/debug only for viewing geometry
# non-mt, with qt, slf7 prof/debug only for viewing geometry
# sometimes the "vg" (vecgeom) versions are installed for future development

== Note on MT build ==
== Note on MT build ==
* The geant MT branch code can be compiled against (and run using) a sequential version of G4 without the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.
* The geant4 MT branch code can be compiled against (and run using) a sequential version of G4 without the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.
* The MT branch code code can be compiled against an MT version of G4 with the addition of the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.  
* The MT branch code code can be compiled against an MT version of G4 with the addition of the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.  
* MT version can be run in 3 modes: (1) in sequential mode, (2) in MT mode using a single thread in which there is a master thread that controls a single worker thread, and (3) in MT mode.
* MT version can be run in 3 modes: (1) in sequential mode, (2) in MT mode using a single thread in which there is a master thread that controls a single worker thread, and (3) in MT mode.
==Geant4 v4_11_1_p02==
July 12 2023.  Testing this newly released geant4 version, a possible fix to the g4 v4_11 bugs seen in the past.
Release notes starting from v11.0:
[ v11.0]
[ v11.1]
[  v11.1.p01]
[  v11.1.p02]
Using this commit:
commit dec8790da5434adeea86ac653fa897ca2ce535da (HEAD -> Offline_g4_11_1_p02, mu2e/main)
Merge: bda865e98 fc7111c6c
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:  Fri Jul 7 15:25:37 2023 -0500
    Merge pull request #1000 from rlcee/pend_230706
    Pendantic fixes
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p04e to geant4 v4_11_1_p02.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check), 1M cosmicSimReco.  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0478 || 0.124 || 2697 || 108.3
|  new CE  || 0.0464 || 0.125 || 2691  || 108.4
|  old POT || 2.52 || 2.52 || 2095 || 1.10
|  new POT || 2.33 || 2.34 || 2086 || 1.05
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots]  <BR>
[ cosmic plots] <BR>
stops rates: old = 15812  new = 15768
==Geant4 v4_10_7_p04c and v4_11_0_p03==
* v4_10_7_p04c is validated and ready to use.
* v4_11_0_p03  <span style="color:red">Please do not use this version, or any below v4_11_1_p02, see above for that version validation.</span> It still has non-understood changes which affect the stopped muon rate.  This is being investigated. <span style="color:blue">Please note that v4_11_1_p01b is much more configurable than any v4_11_0.</span>
Oct. 25 2022.  Testing newly released Geant4 patches. <BR>
[ v4_10_7_p04c Release Notes] <BR>
[ v4_11_0_p03 Release Notes] <BR>
Using this commit:
commit cc6e06709bd0533fa3b4c3a06eef1ba6051c8024 (HEAD -> 1024_ref, mu2e/main)
Merge: 6c773671f 16aff916d
Author: David Brown <>
Date:  Tue Oct 18 22:43:42 2022 -0700
    Merge pull request #866 from ehrlich-uva/main
    Small changes to Crv Reco
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p03b (envset p033) to geant4 v4_10_7_p04c and geant4 v4_11_0_p03.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0371 || 0.255 || 2915 || 110.0
|  10_7_p04c CE  || 0.0369 || 0.254 || 2539 || 109.1
|  11_0_p03 CE  || 0.0367 || 0.256 || 2532  || 109.4
|  old POT || 2.00 || 2.00 || 2312 || 1.12
|  10_7_p04c POT || 1.99 || 1.99 || 1940 || 1.08
|  11_0_p03 POT || 1.85 || 1.85 || 1937 || 1.06
[ CE g4_10_7_p04c plots] <BR>
[ POT g4_10_7_p04c plots]  <BR>
[ stops g4_10_7_p04c plots]  <BR>
[ CE g4_11_0_p03 plots] <BR>
[ POT g4_11_0_p03 plots]  <BR>
[ stops g4_11_0_p03 plots]  <BR>
stops rates: old = 15824  10_7_p04c = 15824  11_0_p03 = 13597
<nowiki>Dave Brown comments on file size:
        Size    Size/Entry  Fraction  Data Product Name
    (bytes)      (bytes)
    2637969        35648.2      0.581  mu2e::KalSeeds_KKDeM__ceSimReco.
The KinKal output is large because I've configured that fit persistence to save the full piecewise trajectory, instead of just the
fit parameters at tracker entrance, middle, and exit.  It's a one line configuration change to swap this to out, but I'd rather keep it, as
the full trajectory can provide a much better event display (though it isn't currently used).
      382052        5162.9      0.084  mu2e::KalSeeds_KFFDeM__ceSimReco.
The BTrk size increased because I added payload to KalSeed to support tracker calibrations.
==Art v3_12_00==
Aug. 29 2022.  Testing this newly released art version. We will be validating the new art, then moving to newer Geant4 upgrades.
Using this commit:
commit 3904c7fd83efc88dab151439e36cc9c41c4347ca (HEAD -> art_312, mu2e/main)
Merge: df8da9230 1d8b48600
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:  Fri Aug 26 10:33:08 2022 -0500
    Merge pull request #836 from rlcee/pi_220824
    replace 3.14 with M_PI
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p03a + art v3_11 to geant4 v4_10_7_p03b + the newly released art v3_12.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0437 || 0.273 || 2673 || 69.34
|  new CE  || 0.0421 || 0.274 || 2753  || 68.72
|  old POT || 2.46 || 2.46 || 2213 || 1.12
|  new POT || 2.45 || 2.46 || 2287 || 1.14
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots]  <BR>
stops rates: old = 15886  new = 15886
May 20. 2022.  Testing this newly released patch, we will not be using this new version immediately. Instead, we will use this test to look for unexpected behaviors and request a new patch if need be.
Using this commit:
commit ab5350b042e8b50b16119c003658a7abd59dd6e1 (HEAD -> g4_11, mu2e/main)
Merge: 39be3ce87 3cdbd19be
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:  Fri May 13 16:47:25 2022 -0500
    Merge pull request #795 from sophiemiddleton/TEveUpdates
    fix units in TEve following ROOT changes
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p02 to the newly released v4_11_0_p01a - the only change is the version number in the envset file from envset p024.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0381 || 0.244 || 2711 || 67.35
|  new CE  || 0.0372 || 0.244 || 2705  || 67.21
|  old POT || 2.22 || 2.224 || 2231 || 1.129
|  new POT || 2.10 || 2.104 || 2223 || 1.109
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots]  <BR>
stops rates: old = 15781  new = 13822
Since the number of stopped muons changed significantly, the stops test has been run again with new seeds:
[ stops_newseed plots]  <BR>
stops rates: old = 15822  new = 13639 <BR>
[ stops plots comparing v4_10 results]  <BR>
[ stops plots comparing v4_11 results]  <BR>
January 24. 2022.  Testing this newly released patch.
[ Patch 03 release notes]
Using this commit:
commit 335283ceec3274f4cc35d790fa2a1cbdc4e71504 (HEAD -> g4_p03a, mu2e/main)
Merge: cd24c9df7 684a2a1e5
Author: David Brown <>
Date:  Fri Jan 21 09:04:44 2022 -0800
    Merge pull request #691 from kutschke/lvsd_fix
    Fix bug in the registration of Logical Volume Sensitive Detectors
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p02a to the newly released v4_10_7_p03a - the only change is the version number in the envset file. This will be envset p019.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0434 || 0.247  || 2928 || 61.16
|  new CE  || 0.0423 || 0.245 || 2929  || 61.24
|  old POT || 2.48 || 2.48 || 2140 || 1.123
|  new POT || 2.49 || 2.49 || 2141 || 1.131
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots]  <BR>
stops rates: old = 15637  new = 15498
June 22. 2021.  Testing this newly released patch.
[ Patch 02 release notes]
Using this commit:
commit da2aad9919bc17776dab27c6699333ad56279b8b
Merge: ade7c64f2 143eb9a99
Author: David Brown <>
Date:  Fri Jun 18 07:55:17 2021 -0700
    Merge pull request #496 from AndrewEdmonds11/trkana-removal2
    TrkAna Fcl Removal
We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p01c to the newly released v4_10_7_p02 - the only change is the version number in .muse.
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0353 || 0.240  || 3091 || 58.10
|  new CE  || 0.0358 || 0.249 || 3092  || 57.88
|  old POT || 2.41 || 3.00 || 2418 || 2532
|  new POT || 2.42 || 3.01 || 2420 || 2530
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots]  <BR>
==v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_09_01==
May 28 2021. Testing the new version of art v3_09_01 with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with reference to art v3_09_00 to validate new art only. Reco.fcl plots are compared between the art v3_09_01 working area and the current head of Offline.
2k ceSimReco events Link: [ CE 2k plots] <BR>
500 potSim events Link: [ pot 500 plots] <BR>
50k cosmicSimReco events with @erase .fcl file Requested by Rob. Link: [ cosmic 50k @empty plots] <BR>
1 file of reco events Link: [ reco plots] <BR>
==v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_09_00==
May 12 2021. Testing the new version of art v3_09_00 with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with old art v3_06 and geant4 version v4_10_7_p01b to validate new art.
These rounds of testing have been completed between the current art v3_09_00 working area in PR #409 and an older commit in that working area, the last commit with the art v3_08_00 tag to consolidate the validation of the v3_09 'bookkeeping' development.
5k ceSimReco events, these all exactly match. Link: [ CE 5k plots] <BR>
500 potSim events, these all exactly match. Link: [ pot 500 plots] <BR>
50k cosmicSimReco events, these have differences. Link: [ cosmic 50k plots] <BR>
50k cosmicSimReco events with @erase .fcl file Requested by Rob, these have differences. Link: [ cosmic 50k @empty plots] <BR>
A new round of testing against a new reference commit:
5k ceSimReco events. Link: [ CE 5k plots] <BR>
500 potSim events. Link: [ pot 500 plots] <BR>
50k cosmicSimReco events. Link: [ cosmic 50k plots] <BR>
valCompare links for a special round of testing requested by Yuri:
Dsregion files. Link: [ DSregion plots] <BR>
Mubeam files. Link: [ Mubeam plots] <BR>
==v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_08_00==
Apr 14. 2021.  Testing the new version of art with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with old art and geant4 version v4_10_7_p01b to validate new art. More details are available in PR #409.
Tests for comparison: 10k ceSimReco events + 2k potSim events in each build (interactively, round 1).
Links to round 1 of tests:
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
Second set of tests for comparison: full-stat potSim jobs + muon stops jobs. <BR>
Muons stops rates: <BR>
old art + old CLHEP + G4 7_p01b  16046 <BR>
new art + new CLHEP + G4 7_p01c  15775 <BR>
Links to round 2 of tests:
[ stops compare.png plots] <BR>
[ stops valCompare plots] <BR>
[ full POT plots]  <BR>
Mar 9. 2021.  Testing this patch for comparison after noticing large effects in recent patch v4_10_7_p01a.
[ Patch 01 release notes]
Using this commit:
commit 43ef90f664aed325a0b3dd1c5342b94bad51ec32
Merge: 0c86a5d6d 1a698b9ec
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:  Fri Mar 5 17:41:30 2021 -0600
    Merge pull request #368 from gianipez/ots_dev
    new module for converting the calo fragments directly into caloHits w/o producing caloDigis
We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p03 to the newly released v4_10_7_p01b - the only change is the version number in
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0374 || 0.495  || 3078 || 36.44
|  new CE  || 0.0373 || 0.495 || 3080  || 36.22
|  old POT || 2.76 || 3.37 || 2477 || 2523
|  new POT || 2.76 || 3.37 || 2475 || 2525
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots] rates: old: 15505 new: 15371 <BR>
[ stops val.fcl plots]  <BR>
[ Release notes v4.10.7 webpage]
Feb 24. 2021.  Testing this patch for Krzysztof. 
Using this commit:
commit a14b9168f472378182c52f9468ba229411517170
Merge: c98911608 01beef107
Author: David Brown <>
Date:  Sun Feb 21 21:13:01 2021 -0800
    Merge pull request #348 from oksuzian/CosmicJobConfig
    Adjusting cosmic fcls to compressDetStepMCs and other cleanups
We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p03 to the newly released v4_10_7_p01a - the only change is the version number in
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0385 || 0.520  || 3097 || 79.73
|  new CE  || 0.0390 || 0.520 || 3091  || 78.85
|  old POT || 2.84 || 3.47 || 2480 || 2534
|  new POT || 2.84 || 3.47 || 2479 || 2538
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots] rates: old: 15518 new: 7853 <BR>
[ stops val.fcl plots]  <BR>
[ Release notes]
Feb 4. 2021.  Testing this patch for Krzysztof. 
Using this commit:
commit 54cf3799c7dcc92a462303bb425ab60f460c88f3
Merge: bf52f4c96 1fe9b5df5
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:  Mon Feb 1 16:15:26 2021 -0600
    Merge pull request #332 from brownd1978/g4opt2
    Use longer G4 range in calo volume
We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p02b to the proposed: v4_10_6_p03 - the only change is the version number in
Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check).  The CPU result are from
repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.
{|style="width: 45%"
|style="width:10%"|'''g4 CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''tot CPU (s)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''MEM (MB)'''
|style="width:10%"|'''file size (MB)'''
|  old CE  || 0.0383 || 0.515  || 3026 || 51.16
|  new CE  || 0.0380 || 0.515 || 3027  || 51.11
|  old POT || 2.81 || 3.43 || 2446 || 2522
|  new POT || 2.79 || 3.42 || 2446 || 2526
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots] rates: old: 15518 new: 15518 <BR>
==updates for MDC2020==
2/1/2021, PR's 330 and 332, updated
physics.producers.g4run.physics.minRangeRegionCuts: { CalorimeterMother : 0.1}
===Remaing questions===
The list below is the set of questions that need to be answered to configure G4 for MDC2020.
In all cases we need to consider: physics fidelity, CPU time, file size
# Should we upgrade to v4.10.7.p01(a)?
# At what energy should we set the break in the EM physics model?
# Which jobs need HP physics lists and which do not?
## Presumably the pure EM Primaries do not need HP.  Anything else?
# Decide on production cuts by region.  The following table is the working proposal
{| class="wikitable"
! Value
! Region/Volume
! (mm)
| Production Target mother
| p-bar absorbers in PS and TS3 (single volumes? mother volume?)
| Stopping Target mother
| Tracker mother
| Calorimeter mother
The default value is chosen to be correct for the CRV plastic; the CRV system does not have any convenient mother volumes.

[ 10.6.p02]

June 9. 2020.  Testing this patch for Krzysztof.   
June 9. 2020.  Testing this patch for Krzysztof.   
Line 50: Line 584:
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ CE plots] <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ POT plots]  <BR>
[ stops plots] rates: old: 15322 new: 15322 <BR>
[ stops plots] rates: old: 1532 new: 1532 <BR>


Latest revision as of 22:01, 6 August 2024


So much of the understanding of the performance of mu2e depends on simulation studies that a change in geant4 version could have far-reaching effects. This page contains a checklist for tests to perform before moving to a new geant4. Typically, some tests would be skipped because the expert decides the effort to validate would not be justified for the low level of risk.

Geant4 package switches supported:

  1. mt - slf7 prof/debug with mt linked, and OGL libraries, OGL not linked by default
  2. non-mt, with qt, slf7 prof/debug only for viewing geometry
  3. sometimes the "vg" (vecgeom) versions are installed for future development

Note on MT build


  • The geant4 MT branch code can be compiled against (and run using) a sequential version of G4 without the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.
  • The MT branch code code can be compiled against an MT version of G4 with the addition of the '-DG4MULTITHREADED' flag in the SConscript file.
  • MT version can be run in 3 modes: (1) in sequential mode, (2) in MT mode using a single thread in which there is a master thread that controls a single worker thread, and (3) in MT mode.

Geant4 v4_11_1_p02

July 12 2023. Testing this newly released geant4 version, a possible fix to the g4 v4_11 bugs seen in the past.

Release notes starting from v11.0:

v11.0 v11.1 v11.1.p01 v11.1.p02

Using this commit:

commit dec8790da5434adeea86ac653fa897ca2ce535da (HEAD -> Offline_g4_11_1_p02, mu2e/main)
Merge: bda865e98 fc7111c6c
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Fri Jul 7 15:25:37 2023 -0500

    Merge pull request #1000 from rlcee/pend_230706
    Pendantic fixes

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p04e to geant4 v4_11_1_p02.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check), 1M cosmicSimReco. The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0478 0.124 2697 108.3
new CE 0.0464 0.125 2691 108.4
old POT 2.52 2.52 2095 1.10
new POT 2.33 2.34 2086 1.05

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots
cosmic plots
stops rates: old = 15812 new = 15768

Geant4 v4_10_7_p04c and v4_11_0_p03


  • v4_10_7_p04c is validated and ready to use.
  • v4_11_0_p03 Please do not use this version, or any below v4_11_1_p02, see above for that version validation. It still has non-understood changes which affect the stopped muon rate. This is being investigated. Please note that v4_11_1_p01b is much more configurable than any v4_11_0.

Oct. 25 2022. Testing newly released Geant4 patches.
v4_10_7_p04c Release Notes
v4_11_0_p03 Release Notes

Using this commit:

commit cc6e06709bd0533fa3b4c3a06eef1ba6051c8024 (HEAD -> 1024_ref, mu2e/main)
Merge: 6c773671f 16aff916d
Author: David Brown <>
Date:   Tue Oct 18 22:43:42 2022 -0700

    Merge pull request #866 from ehrlich-uva/main
    Small changes to Crv Reco

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p03b (envset p033) to geant4 v4_10_7_p04c and geant4 v4_11_0_p03.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0371 0.255 2915 110.0
10_7_p04c CE 0.0369 0.254 2539 109.1
11_0_p03 CE 0.0367 0.256 2532 109.4
old POT 2.00 2.00 2312 1.12
10_7_p04c POT 1.99 1.99 1940 1.08
11_0_p03 POT 1.85 1.85 1937 1.06

CE g4_10_7_p04c plots
POT g4_10_7_p04c plots
stops g4_10_7_p04c plots

CE g4_11_0_p03 plots
POT g4_11_0_p03 plots
stops g4_11_0_p03 plots
stops rates: old = 15824 10_7_p04c = 15824 11_0_p03 = 13597

Dave Brown comments on file size:
        Size     Size/Entry   Fraction  Data Product Name
     (bytes)       (bytes)

     2637969        35648.2      0.581  mu2e::KalSeeds_KKDeM__ceSimReco.

The KinKal output is large because I've configured that fit persistence to save the full piecewise trajectory, instead of just the
fit parameters at tracker entrance, middle, and exit.  It's a one line configuration change to swap this to out, but I'd rather keep it, as
the full trajectory can provide a much better event display (though it isn't currently used).
      382052         5162.9      0.084  mu2e::KalSeeds_KFFDeM__ceSimReco.

The BTrk size increased because I added payload to KalSeed to support tracker calibrations.

Art v3_12_00

Aug. 29 2022. Testing this newly released art version. We will be validating the new art, then moving to newer Geant4 upgrades.

Using this commit:

commit 3904c7fd83efc88dab151439e36cc9c41c4347ca (HEAD -> art_312, mu2e/main)
Merge: df8da9230 1d8b48600
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Fri Aug 26 10:33:08 2022 -0500

    Merge pull request #836 from rlcee/pi_220824
    replace 3.14 with M_PI

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p03a + art v3_11 to geant4 v4_10_7_p03b + the newly released art v3_12.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0437 0.273 2673 69.34
new CE 0.0421 0.274 2753 68.72
old POT 2.46 2.46 2213 1.12
new POT 2.45 2.46 2287 1.14

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots
stops rates: old = 15886 new = 15886


May 20. 2022. Testing this newly released patch, we will not be using this new version immediately. Instead, we will use this test to look for unexpected behaviors and request a new patch if need be.

Using this commit:

commit ab5350b042e8b50b16119c003658a7abd59dd6e1 (HEAD -> g4_11, mu2e/main)
Merge: 39be3ce87 3cdbd19be
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Fri May 13 16:47:25 2022 -0500

    Merge pull request #795 from sophiemiddleton/TEveUpdates
    fix units in TEve following ROOT changes

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p02 to the newly released v4_11_0_p01a - the only change is the version number in the envset file from envset p024.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0381 0.244 2711 67.35
new CE 0.0372 0.244 2705 67.21
old POT 2.22 2.224 2231 1.129
new POT 2.10 2.104 2223 1.109

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots
stops rates: old = 15781 new = 13822

Since the number of stopped muons changed significantly, the stops test has been run again with new seeds: stops_newseed plots
stops rates: old = 15822 new = 13639
stops plots comparing v4_10 results
stops plots comparing v4_11 results


January 24. 2022. Testing this newly released patch.

Patch 03 release notes

Using this commit:

commit 335283ceec3274f4cc35d790fa2a1cbdc4e71504 (HEAD -> g4_p03a, mu2e/main)
Merge: cd24c9df7 684a2a1e5
Author: David Brown <>
Date:   Fri Jan 21 09:04:44 2022 -0800
    Merge pull request #691 from kutschke/lvsd_fix
    Fix bug in the registration of Logical Volume Sensitive Detectors

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p02a to the newly released v4_10_7_p03a - the only change is the version number in the envset file. This will be envset p019.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0434 0.247 2928 61.16
new CE 0.0423 0.245 2929 61.24
old POT 2.48 2.48 2140 1.123
new POT 2.49 2.49 2141 1.131

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots
stops rates: old = 15637 new = 15498


June 22. 2021. Testing this newly released patch.

Patch 02 release notes

Using this commit:

commit da2aad9919bc17776dab27c6699333ad56279b8b 
Merge: ade7c64f2 143eb9a99
Author: David Brown <>
Date:   Fri Jun 18 07:55:17 2021 -0700
    Merge pull request #496 from AndrewEdmonds11/trkana-removal2
    TrkAna Fcl Removal

We compare geant4 v4_10_7_p01c to the newly released v4_10_7_p02 - the only change is the version number in .muse.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0353 0.240 3091 58.10
new CE 0.0358 0.249 3092 57.88
old POT 2.41 3.00 2418 2532
new POT 2.42 3.01 2420 2530

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots

v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_09_01

May 28 2021. Testing the new version of art v3_09_01 with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with reference to art v3_09_00 to validate new art only. Reco.fcl plots are compared between the art v3_09_01 working area and the current head of Offline.

2k ceSimReco events Link: CE 2k plots
500 potSim events Link: pot 500 plots
50k cosmicSimReco events with @erase .fcl file Requested by Rob. Link: cosmic 50k @empty plots
1 file of reco events Link: reco plots

v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_09_00

May 12 2021. Testing the new version of art v3_09_00 with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with old art v3_06 and geant4 version v4_10_7_p01b to validate new art.

These rounds of testing have been completed between the current art v3_09_00 working area in PR #409 and an older commit in that working area, the last commit with the art v3_08_00 tag to consolidate the validation of the v3_09 'bookkeeping' development.

5k ceSimReco events, these all exactly match. Link: CE 5k plots
500 potSim events, these all exactly match. Link: pot 500 plots
50k cosmicSimReco events, these have differences. Link: cosmic 50k plots
50k cosmicSimReco events with @erase .fcl file Requested by Rob, these have differences. Link: cosmic 50k @empty plots

A new round of testing against a new reference commit: 5k ceSimReco events. Link: CE 5k plots
500 potSim events. Link: pot 500 plots
50k cosmicSimReco events. Link: cosmic 50k plots

valCompare links for a special round of testing requested by Yuri: Dsregion files. Link: DSregion plots
Mubeam files. Link: Mubeam plots

v4_10_7_p01c and art v3_08_00

Apr 14. 2021. Testing the new version of art with geant4 v4_10_7_p01c for comparison with old art and geant4 version v4_10_7_p01b to validate new art. More details are available in PR #409.

Tests for comparison: 10k ceSimReco events + 2k potSim events in each build (interactively, round 1).

Links to round 1 of tests: CE plots
POT plots

Second set of tests for comparison: full-stat potSim jobs + muon stops jobs.
Muons stops rates:
old art + old CLHEP + G4 7_p01b 16046
new art + new CLHEP + G4 7_p01c 15775

Links to round 2 of tests: stops compare.png plots
stops valCompare plots
full POT plots


Mar 9. 2021. Testing this patch for comparison after noticing large effects in recent patch v4_10_7_p01a.

Patch 01 release notes

Using this commit:

commit 43ef90f664aed325a0b3dd1c5342b94bad51ec32
Merge: 0c86a5d6d 1a698b9ec
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Fri Mar 5 17:41:30 2021 -0600
    Merge pull request #368 from gianipez/ots_dev
    new module for converting the calo fragments directly into caloHits w/o producing caloDigis

We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p03 to the newly released v4_10_7_p01b - the only change is the version number in

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0374 0.495 3078 36.44
new CE 0.0373 0.495 3080 36.22
old POT 2.76 3.37 2477 2523
new POT 2.76 3.37 2475 2525

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots rates: old: 15505 new: 15371
stops val.fcl plots


Release notes v4.10.7 webpage

Feb 24. 2021. Testing this patch for Krzysztof.

Using this commit:

commit a14b9168f472378182c52f9468ba229411517170
Merge: c98911608 01beef107
Author: David Brown <>
Date:   Sun Feb 21 21:13:01 2021 -0800
    Merge pull request #348 from oksuzian/CosmicJobConfig
    Adjusting cosmic fcls to compressDetStepMCs and other cleanups

We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p03 to the newly released v4_10_7_p01a - the only change is the version number in

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0385 0.520 3097 79.73
new CE 0.0390 0.520 3091 78.85
old POT 2.84 3.47 2480 2534
new POT 2.84 3.47 2479 2538

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots rates: old: 15518 new: 7853
stops val.fcl plots


Release notes

Feb 4. 2021. Testing this patch for Krzysztof.

Using this commit:

commit 54cf3799c7dcc92a462303bb425ab60f460c88f3
Merge: bf52f4c96 1fe9b5df5
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Mon Feb 1 16:15:26 2021 -0600
    Merge pull request #332 from brownd1978/g4opt2
    Use longer G4 range in calo volume

We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p02b to the proposed: v4_10_6_p03 - the only change is the version number in

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons (check), 25K POT (check). The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0383 0.515 3026 51.16
new CE 0.0380 0.515 3027 51.11
old POT 2.81 3.43 2446 2522
new POT 2.79 3.42 2446 2526

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots rates: old: 15518 new: 15518

updates for MDC2020

2/1/2021, PR's 330 and 332, updated



physics.producers.g4run.physics.minRangeRegionCuts: { CalorimeterMother : 0.1}



Remaing questions

The list below is the set of questions that need to be answered to configure G4 for MDC2020. In all cases we need to consider: physics fidelity, CPU time, file size

  1. Should we upgrade to v4.10.7.p01(a)?
  2. At what energy should we set the break in the EM physics model?
  3. Which jobs need HP physics lists and which do not?
    1. Presumably the pure EM Primaries do not need HP. Anything else?
  4. Decide on production cuts by region. The following table is the working proposal

Value Region/Volume
0.700 Default
0.010 Production Target mother
0.010 p-bar absorbers in PS and TS3 (single volumes? mother volume?)
0.010 Stopping Target mother
0.001 Tracker mother
0.100 Calorimeter mother

The default value is chosen to be correct for the CRV plastic; the CRV system does not have any convenient mother volumes.



June 9. 2020. Testing this patch for Krzysztof.

Using this commit:

commit a8757f2b91139
Author: Rob Kutschke <>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 21:32:08 2020 -0500
    Merge pull request #179 from resnegfk/g4106
        upgrading geant4 to 10.6.p01

We compare geant4 v4_10_6_p01 to the proposed: v4_10_6_p02a - the only change is the version number in

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons, 25K POT. The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.0251 0.199 2730 38.0
new CE 0.0257 0.198 2732 37.9
old POT 2.81 3.45 2125 2556
new POT 2.85 3.48 2125 2546

CE plots
POT plots
stops plots rates: old: 1532 new: 1532



  • CRV sign-off needed - is neutron physics reasonable?
  • file sizes too large - check PS.fcl, the production version of potSim with filtering
    • RLC - checked PS.fcl, the file sizes are equivalent in old and new
  • memory sizes too large - check if this is neutron cross section tables
    • to test: export G4NEUTRONHPDATA=/cvmfs/
    • RLC confirms making the table change brings CE and POT memory back in line with the "old"
    • in KLG's small scale test, the electron/gamma/neutron distributions go back to what was seen with v4_10_5_p01a when the above dataset is used, which is consistent with the memory decrease seen/confirmed by RLC
    • 4/15/20 - a tentative discussion to accept the memory increase, and deal with it when the next production needs a fix. The solution may b e to split the jobs in parts.


Proposal to evaluate this version 2/19/20. This upgrade is to obtain geant features. It should also fix a geant geometry bug which caused a crash in some particles in the ExtMon.

Comparison done on commit 96105ca37c (head as of 2/20), with the proton generator module name fixed in stoppedMuonsSingleStage.fcl.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons, 25K POT. The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time. "Old" in comparisons is v4_10_5_p01a.

Sample g4 CPU (s) tot CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.02527 0.2046 2331 37.4
new CE 0.02472 (-2%) 0.2034 (-1%) 2726 (+17%) 37.2 (-1%)
old POT 2.664 3.190 1718 2249
new POT 2.685 (+1%) 3.289 (+3%) 2130 (+24%) 2549 (+13%)

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
Krzysztof release notes presented talk
Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options)
Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison plots
Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison plots
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes
Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape rate +1+/-1% plots
Rob magnetic field transport
Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution
Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM background
Andrei ExtMon efficiency
Andrei ExtMon background
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds


Moved to this version 01/28/20 PR #124, v08_02_00.

Propose to move to this version 1/25/20. This is the second attempt, after StrawGas was introduced to deal with a higher number of steppoints. Also moved to new stepper and random numbers. This comparison is only on the version number change.

Comparison done on commit 14eeda4, with the proton generator module name fixed in stoppedMuonsSingleStage.fcl.

Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons, 25K POT. The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample CPU (s) MEM (MB) file size (MB)
old CE 0.1544 2342 37.46
new CE 0.1686 (+9%) 2349 37.51
old POT 2.585 1707 1905
new POT 2.718 (+5%) 1738 2249 (+18%)

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
9/3/19 Krzysztof release notes presented 10.5, 10.5p01, 10.5 TF,

28278, 26484

9/3/19 Krzysztof selected validation plots 28336
9/3/19 Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options) none needed
Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison plots
Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison plots
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes
Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape increase 7% plots
Rob magnetic field transport
1/27/20 Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution
1/27/20 Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
1/27/20 Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
1/27/20 Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
1/27/20 Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM background
Andrei ExtMon efficiency
Andrei ExtMon background
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds

v4_10_5_p01a try 1

Propose to move to this version 8/21/19. The dependencies should be the same as already on the head.

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
Krzysztof release notes presented
9/3/19 Krzysztof selected validation plots 28336
9/3/19 Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options) none needed
8/22/19 Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison plots
8/22/19 Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison plots
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes
8/22/19 Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape Stops went from 17711 to 18493, a 4 sigma increase.


Rob magnetic field transport
Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution
Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution x
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM background
Andrei ExtMon efficiency
Andrei ExtMon background
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds


5/14/19 built and installed for testing (including comparing Offline and G4Beamline in target studies). SLF6 for qt was not in the build, only SLF7, so that is installed.


8/21/19 - this version may be not interacting KL in material as much as it should (Yuri Oksuzian, Krzysztof Genser)

Proposal, started 4/16/19, is to move from v4_10_4_p02a to v4_10_4p03.

Fast checks:


Proposal, started 9/26/18, is to move from v4_10_4 to v4_10_4_p02. Several bugs are fixed, but nothing that is known to be an issue for mu2e.

Closed out this checklist on 11/8/2018. Actually using v4_10_4_p02a ("a" adds e17 compiler), starting in v7_2_0.

To make a release with this change, edit and change this line

export MU2E_G4_EXTRA_QUALIFIER=':+cl23'



Memory and file size results from tests, 250K conversion electrons, 25K POT. The CPU result are from repeatedly running old and new version 20min jobs, with various seeds, on the same machine at the same time.

Sample CPU (s) MEM (GB) file size (MB)
old CE 869 1.815 443
new CE 865 1.822 443
old POT 1238 1.735 1783
new POT 1254 1.724 1780

Accept Responsible Topic Notes
9/26/18 Krzysztof release notes presented 20763
9/26/18 Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options) none needed
9/27/18 Ray provide high-stats CE comparison CE validation 21992
9/27/18 Ray provide high-stats POT comparison POT validation 21992
9/27/18 Ray/Krzysztof provide CPU time and product sizes see above, 21992
9/28/18 Ray/Andrei provide stopped muon rates and shape stops 21992
11/8/18 Rob magnetic field transport no comment, accepted by default
10/31/18 Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation accept based on notes, generic validation
11/7/18 Bertrand calorimeter resolution accept based on notes, generic validation
11/7/18 Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation accept based on notes, generic validation
11/8/18 Ralf CRV light model no comment, accepted by default
11/7/18 Yuri neutron production rates and transport accept based on notes, generic validation
11/7/18 Yuri CRV deadtime accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
11/8/18 Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency no comment, accepted by default
11/8/18 Jim/Yaqian STM background no comment, accepted by default
10/31/18 Andrei ExtMon efficiency accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Andrei ExtMon background accept based on notes, generic validation
11/8/18 Ralf cosmic background no comment, accepted by default
11/8/18 Bob p-bar background no comment, accepted by default
10/31/18 Andrei beam electron background accept based on notes, generic validation
10/31/18 Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds accept (by Dave LBL)


Started Mar 1, 2018, proposed update to v4_10_4 from v4_10_2_p03e. 3/21/18 - effort paused - now working on v4_10_4 EMZ. On 4/4/18, the decision was taken to restart this effort and delay EMZ, which is more complicated. In the comp/soft meeting on 4/18/18, we decided to make this version the new default.

To make a release with this change, edit and change this line

setup -B geant4 v4_10_2_p03e -q${MU2E_UPS_QUALIFIERS}${MU2E_G4_GRAPHICS_QUALIFIER}


setup -B geant4 v4_10_4 -qcl23:${MU2E_UPS_QUALIFIERS}${MU2E_G4_GRAPHICS_QUALIFIER}

How to change the stepper to the new one requiring fewer field evaluations. This is off by default and is not part of this checklist.

physics.producers.g4run.physics.stepper : "G4DormandPrince745"

clhep (not used in this checklist evaluation) will enable the switch from HepJamesRandom to MixMax random number engine (art sets the default)

Results from tests, 1M conversion electrons, 300K beam stage1

Sample CPU (s) MEM (GB) file size (MB)
old beam 9351 1.611 6.290
new beam 8483 (-9%) 1.715 (+6%) 6.397(+2%)
old CE 6795 1.742 918.396
new CE 6180 (-9%) 1.804 (+4%) 909.979(-1%)

beam comparison
C.E. comparison
stopped muons

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
3/14/18 Krzysztof release notes presented available
3/14/18 Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options) changes enabling new features done in February and March
3/14/18 Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison see links above and talk
3/14/18 Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison see links above and talk
3/14/18 Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes see above and talk
3/14/18 Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape see links above and talk
4/5/18 Rob magnetic field transport the checks done so far are adequate
4/16/18 Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution roughly 10% more tracker hits than in v4_10_2 talk
4/16/18 Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
4/16/18 Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
4/16/18 Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation A full radiation dose test takes weeks to perform. I validated that the tracker photon interactions are reasonable
4/16/18 Bertrand calorimeter resolution (email) I just looked at the various plots produced for v4_10_4, and they all look fine for the calorimeter.
4/16/18 Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
4/19/18 Yuri CRV deadtime I don’t think new version will make any impact on the CRV rates.
4/16/18 Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency Efficiency and quality are slightly degraded
4/14/18 Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency lead flourescence and brem bkg checked
4/14/18 Jim/Yaqian STM background lead flourescence and brem bkg checked
4/10/18 Andrei ExtMon efficiency Skip this time (the baseline has not been checked in years). This is feasible to do in the future.
4/10/18 Andrei ExtMon background Skip. A complete study would require very large amount of CPU and effort. Unlikely to be feasible for GEANT upgrade checks. A simpler proxy like e.g. neutron flux in the ExtMon room might be feasible.
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
4/10/18 Andrei beam electron background Skip. May be feasible in the future.
4/19/18 Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds It would require a dedicated run to do a "real" test. However, if I look at muon stops as a proxy for pion stops, then I see nothing here that makes me panic.

v4_10_4 EMZ

Started Mar 21, 2018, proposed update to v4_10_4 EMZ from v4_10_2_p03e. At the code/soft meeting on 4/4/18, we decided to delay moving to EMZ since the very different file sizes caused complications with no obvious benefit. This will be considered at a later date, along with regional minRangeCut's.

How to trigger Mu2e specific electromagnetic option4 (_EMZ) with modified msc model transition energy (committed 3/16/18)

physics.producers.g4run.debug.diagLevel         : 1
# the above is to see the ranges printed
physics.producers.g4run.physics.modifyEMOption4 : true
physics.producers.g4run.physics.physicsListName : "ShieldingM_EMZ"

How to change the stepper to the new one requiring fewer field evaluations (off, except where noted):

physics.producers.g4run.physics.stepper : "G4DormandPrince745"

clhep (not used yet) will enable the switch from HepJamesRandom to MixMax random number engine (art sets the default)

Results from tests, 1M conversion electrons, 300K beam stage1

Sample CPU (s) MEM (GB) file size (MB)
old beam 7325 1.76 630
new beam 7896(+8%) 1.79(+2%) 718(+13%)
old CE 6844 1.75 92088
new CE 7099(+4%) 1.84(+5%) 187456(+100%)

beam stage 1 comparison
CE comparison

Why are conversion electron files so much larger:

        Size     Size/Entry   Fraction  Data Product Name
   505449709        50545.0      0.548  mu2e::SimParticlemv_g4run__ceSimReco.
   240938209        24093.8      0.261  mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_calorimeter_ceSimReco.
    30774582         3077.5      0.033  mu2e::CaloShowerSteps_CaloShowerStepFromStepPt_calorimeter_ceSimReco.
    28011825         2801.2      0.030  mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_tracker_ceSimReco.

         Size     Size/Entry   Fraction  Data Product Name
   514208625        51420.9      0.277  mu2e::SimParticlemv_g4run__ceSimReco.
   745787106        74578.7      0.402  mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_calorimeter_ceSimReco.
   236050707        23605.1      0.127  mu2e::CaloShowerSteps_CaloShowerStepFromStepPt_calorimeter_ceSimReco.
   181788056        18178.8      0.098  mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_tracker_ceSimReco.

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
3/21/18 Krzysztof release notes presented talk
3/14/18 Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options) changes enabling new features done in February and March
Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison see links above
Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison see links above
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes see above
Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape see link above
Rob magnetic field transport
Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution talk
Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution 4/16/18 probably OK
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation 4/16/18 this needs more study
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Jim STM efficiency
Jim STM background
Andrei ExtMon efficiency
Andrei ExtMon background
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds

empty example table

Sign off Responsible Topic Notes
Krzysztof release notes presented
Krzysztof supporting code (new lists, options)
Ray high-stats conversion electrons comparison
Ray high-stats beam stage 1 comparison
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes
Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape
Rob magnetic field transport
Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition/hit resolution
Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution x
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM efficiency
Jim/Yaqian STM background
Andrei ExtMon efficiency
Andrei ExtMon background
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds