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One caveat is that estimates can be affected by large rare
One caveat is that estimates can be affected by large rare
events, which may not be seen in short jobs.
events, which may not be seen in short jobs.
See also [[https://mu2ewiki.fnal.gov/wiki/Grids#Setting_limits|grid limit tips]].
==Following stages==
==Following stages==

Revision as of 15:52, 31 August 2018


When running large jobs on grids you must take into consideration all the physical limits on resources.

The first question is always: is there a standard dataset that you can use instead of starting from scratch? Some are listed here, and you should also be consulting a mentor in the area of your work, who can answer this question definitively.

Total CPU resources

Curently (2017) a user may expect to get about 500-2000 slots (with spikes to 10K) on Fermigrid and 2000-5000 slots (with spikes to 15K) on OSG. While the resources on OSG are substantial, there is additional operational friction such as greater unpredictability and higher rates of jobs failing and restarting.

You can run a test job and multiply up the time to see if it is reasonable given the total CPU you can get in a given time frame. The interactive nodes are, on average, a little faster than grid nodes.

Job time

It is recommended to have jobs longer than 15 minutes, and shorter than about 8 hours, from general considerations of per-job overhead and reliability.

Fermigrid has a maximum time limit of about 4 days. If you are running on the OSG, each site has its own limits and if your job is short enough, it can run on more sites.

File Sizes

Worker nodes at Fermilab have 30GB of disk space per core. OSG sites have various defaults and limits, and the less you request, the more sites you can access.

Where to keep the output

From time to time, the collaboration decides to run major simulation campaigns, taking months, such as those performed for the TDR or CD3 reviews. All these datasets, from every stage, are written to tape. But simulation run by individuals in pursuit of their analysis is not usually written to tape. Most analyzers find it is sufficient to write their simulation samples to the scratch dCache area, and make ntuples which are saved on the data disks. After that, they can delete, or let dCache eventually delete, the simulation output. If an individual's project takes a long time to produce, or is very large, or requires long-term reproducability, or needs to be passed to several other users, it might make sense to upload it to tape. Please consult your mu2e mentors in making this decision.

It is also possible to save a dataset to the persistent area of dCache. This area is only disk, not tape-backed, but not subject to automatic purging. We require special permission to write here.

Output file size

For those outputs files that are intended for tape storage, the size is important. It is inefficient to store small files on tape because of per-file operational costs. If jobs are too slow to produce sufficiently large files, one should consider concatenating outputs before writing them to tape.

Very generally, good final file sizes are from 200 MB to 5 GB. You also should consider how the file will be used. A rule of thumb is to plan for files that take about 1h to run over in the following stages of the analysis. It is easy for a job to read multiple files on input, to make it longer, but we don't have a reasonable way to split a file on input to make this job shorter. In addition, longer jobs are harder to schedule on the grid and are more likely to exceed memory limits. planning for multiples of 1 h job pieces is efficient and flexible.

We do not recommend writing files larger than 5GB to tape, because of the increased operational risks, such as a corrupt file or disk space and job management, when so much data is grouped in one object. The technical limits are on the scale of a TB, so if you have a few files over 5GB, that's OK.


Most mu2e art jobs use around 2 GB, so most jobs can be submitted with a request for 2 GB of memory. On Fermigrid, the default is 16GB. On OSG all sites have various defaults and limits, and the less you request, the more sites you can access.

Note that a few test events may not use more than 2GB, but then in the full set of jobs, some rare events may use much more due, for example, to physics leading to a very long particle list.


Wallclock time and the output size scale linearly in the number of events for most Mu2e jobs. One can estimate the slope and the intercept by running jobs of increasing length (the -n option to mu2e). The /usr/bin/time utility (not just "time"!) is useful to measure the memory consumption:

/usr/bin/time mu2e -c test.fcl -n 10
Art has completed and will exit with status 0.
28.07user 2.41system 0:43.59elapsed 69%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 3836928maxresident)k
3003072inputs+112outputs (9463major+210992minor)pagefaults 0swaps

From the above output, we conclude that the test job used 3836928 / 4096 = 937 MB of memory. (SL6 is shipped with a buggy version of GNU time, this is why we need to divide the reported size by 4096 instead of 1024 for the purported "k" units.)

One caveat is that estimates can be affected by large rare events, which may not be seen in short jobs.

See also [limit tips].

Following stages

If the current job writes out framework files for use by subsequent job stages, the above criteria should be applied to analyze the whole processing chain. It is important to remember that later stages can easily read multiple input files per job, but can not "split" an existing art file. This implies smaller output files from the first stage, or a more mild concatenation factor. For example, the configuration to produce standard g4s4 conversion electron datasets cnf.mu2e.....fcl runs only 1000 events per job, resulting in short (minutes) jobs that produce small (few MB) output files. However digi+tracking jobs with background mixing would be too slow for significantly larger g4s4 inputs.


Before submitting any jobs to the grid, make sure that tape-based input datasets, if any, are pre-staged to disk.