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* SU2020 stands for "'2020 Mu2e sensitivity Updates"
* SU2020 stands for "'2020 Mu2e sensitivity Updates"
* to simplify maintenance, SU2020 dataset page moved to GitHub: https://github.com/Mu2e/su2020/blob/master/doc/dataset_summary.org (Note: GitHub will say "404 not found" if you are not logged in to GitHub or if you are not a member of the GitHub Mu2e organization.)
some remnants:
* [[Datasets-SU2020-Naming-Conventions | SU2020 dataset naming conventions]]
* [[Datasets-SU2020-Naming-Conventions | SU2020 dataset naming conventions]]
* [[Datasets-SU2020-Stopped-Particle-Ntuples | Su2020 stopped particle (muon/pion/pbar) ntuples]] - input for physics simulations
* [[Datasets-SU2020-Stopped-Particle-Ntuples | Su2020 stopped particle (muon/pion/pbar) ntuples]] - input for physics simulations
* consider two channels - mu- --> e- and mu- --> e+
* signal windows are different, roughly speaking, [103.5-105] MeV/c and  [90.5-92.5] MeV/c , so some background datasets could be the same, but some - unique for a given signal channel
== mu- --> e- channel ==
!style="text-align:center" | Dataset                                || DsID    || N(generated events) || STNTUPLE dataset || comments
                          | CE (mu-Al --> e-Al) signal only        || conv0000 || 1,000,000          ||                  ||                   
                          | CE (mu-Al --> e-Al) mixed 1 batch      || conv0100 || 2,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | CE (mu-Al --> e-Al) mixed 2 batches    || conv0200 || 2,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | DIO    one particle                    || mdio0000 || 1,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | DIO  mixed 1 batch                    || mdio0100 || 10,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | cosmics (no mixing)                    || cry10000 || ?                  ||                  || about 40 Mu2e livetimes generated with CRY, rescale flux with Corsika
                          | RPC external no mixing                || rpce0000 || 1,000,000,000      ||                  || need for mixing under investigation
                          | RPC  external  test v1                ||          || 100,000,000        || [https://mu2e.fnal.gov/public/hep/computing/Stntuple/cafdfc/su2020/index.shtml SU2020 stntuples] || test dataset, generated by Leo Borrel
                          | RPC internal                          || rpci0000 || 1,000,000,000      ||                  || pion decay disabled, weight depending on proper time, need for mixing under investigation
                          | RMC external                          || rmce0000 || 5,000,000          ||                  || flat gamma in [85,93], negligible but comes from free from mu- --> e+ background dataset
                          | RMC external mixed 1 batch            || rmce0100 || 10,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | RMC internal                          || rmci0000 || 5,000,000          ||                  || flat gamma in [85,93], negligible but comes from free from mu- --> e+ background dataset
                          | RMC internal mixed 1 batch            || rmci0100 || 10,000,000          ||                  ||
                          | antiprotons  stage0                  || pbar0000 || 100,000,000,000    ||                  || number of generated POT, weight with cross section*sqrt(acceptance) to optimize satistical error, no need to do mixing
                          | antiprotons  stage1                  || pbar0100 || 100,000,000,000    ||                  || number of generated POT, weight with cross section*sqrt(acceptance) to optimize satistical error, no need to do mixing
                          | decays in flight and gamma conversions || beam0000 ||                    ||  ?              || assumed negligible for CD3
== mu- --> e+ channel ==
!style="text-align:center" | Dataset                  || N(generated events) signal-only  || N(events) mixed || comments
                          | CE (mu-Al --> e+Al)      ||    1,000,000                    ||  2,0000,000    ||
                          | DIO -> brem --> e+        ||  1,000,000                      ||  2,000,000    || 
                          | cosmics                  ||  ?                            ||  -              || ~40 Mu2e livetimes generated with CRY, rescale flux with Corsika, no need to do mixing
                          | RPC  external            ||  1,000,000,000                          ||  ?      || number of generated POT, pion decay disabled, weight depending on proper time, need for mixing under investigation
                          | RPC internal              || 1,000,000,000                            ||    ?    || number of generated POT, pion decay disabled, weight depending on proper time, need for mixing under investigation
                          | RMC external              || 5,000,000                            || 10,000,000    || flat gamma in [85,93], number of generated POT , most important after cosmics
                          | RMC internal              || 5,000,000                            || 10,000,000      || flat gamma in [85,93], number of generated POT , most important after cosmics
                          | antiprotons              || 10,000,000,000                          ||  -    || number of generated POT, weight with cross section*sqrt(acceptance) to optimize satistical error, no need to do mixing
                          | decays in flight and gamma conversions        || ?                          ||  -    || expected to be very small
== <b>beam datasets</b> ==
!style="text-align:center" | DsID      || N(POT)      || FCL ||  Dataset description
                          | bmum0s21b0 || 100,000,000 || [https://github.com/Mu2e/su2020/blob/master/bmum0/bmum_s3.fcl    su2020/bmum0/bmum_s2.fcl] ||  muon beam, s2, all particles stopped in front of TS5               
                          | bmum0s31b0 || 100,000,000 || [https://github.com/Mu2e/su2020/blob/master/bmum0/bmum_s3.fcl    su2020/bmum0/bmum_s3.fcl] ||  muon beam, s3, 105.6 um thick foils, all particles stopped in the stopping target, 99.5%+ mu-. need to clean up               
                          | bmum0s32b0 || 100,000,000 || [https://github.com/Mu2e/su2020/blob/master/bmum0/bmum_s3.fcl    su2020/bmum0/bmum_s3.fcl] ||  muon beam, s3, 105.6 um thick foils, particles stopped out-of-target, 99.5%+ mu-. need to clean up

Latest revision as of 19:56, 2 March 2022

Datasets for '2020 Mu2e sensitivity updates (in progress)

  • SU2020 stands for "'2020 Mu2e sensitivity Updates"

some remnants: