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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
TrkAna is currently being developed in advance of the June 2019 Software Tutorial. This is a rough outline...
== How To Run ==
== How To Run ==
<code>mu2e -c TrkDiag/fcl/TrkAnaReco.fcl -s mcs.art --TFileName trkana.root</code>
This runs two instances of the TrackAnalysisReco module. One for negative tracks (TrkAnaNeg) and one for positive tracks (TrkAnaPos).
== Tree Structure ==
== Tree Structure ==
Here is a very rough description of the tree branches and where to find leaf definitions in the repository:
; evtinfo : information about the event (TrkDiag/inc/EventInfo.hh)
; hcnt : count of various hit types (TrkDiag/inc/HitCount.hh)
; tcnt : count of various track types (TrkDiag/inc/TrkCount.hh)
; de : global fit information for '''d'''ownstream '''e'''lectron track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; deent : local fit information for '''d'''ownstream '''e'''lectron track at tracker '''ent'''rance (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; demid : local fit information for '''d'''ownstream '''e'''lectron track at '''mid'''dle of tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; dexit : local fit information for '''d'''ownstream '''e'''lectron track at tracker e'''xit''' (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; detch : calorimeter cluster information for cluster used in '''d'''ownstream '''e'''lectron track fit (tch = '''T'''rk'''C'''alo'''H'''it, TrkDiag/inc/TrkCaloHitInfo.hh)
; uetch : calorimeter cluster information for cluster used in '''u'''pstream '''e'''lectron track fit (tch = '''T'''rk'''C'''alo'''H'''it, TrkDiag/inc/TrkCaloHitInfo.hh)
; detsh : reconstructed '''s'''traw '''h'''it information for downstream electron track fit (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawHitInfo.hh)
; detsm : information about '''s'''traw '''m'''aterials that the downstream electron track fit goes through (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawMatInfo.hh)
; ue : global fit information for '''u'''pstream '''e'''lectron track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; dm : global fit information for '''d'''ownstream '''m'''uon track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; crvinfo : information about CRV coincidences (CRVAnalysis/inc/CrvHitInfoReco.hh)
; bestcrv  : ???
; demc : MC information about particle that created downstream track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; demcgen : MC information about particle that started the simulation (TrkDiag/inc/GenInfo.hh)
; demcpri : MC information about particle that would have ultimately created the GenParticle (TrkDiag/inc/GenInfo.hh)
; demcent : MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it enters the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; demcmid : MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it passes the middle of the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; demcxit : MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it leaves the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
; crvinfomc : MC information about CRV coincidences (CRVAnalysis/inc/CrvHitInfoMC.hh)
; detchmc : MC information about calorimeter cluster used in the downstream electron fit (TrkDiag/inc/CaloClusterInfoMC.hh)
; uetchmc : MC information about calorimeter cluster used in the upstream electron fit (TrkDiag/inc/CaloClusterInfoMC.hh)
; detshmc : MC information about the straw hits used in the downstream electron fit (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawHitInfo.hh)
; detrkqual : the input variables and output value of the track quality artificial neural network (TrkDiag/inc/TrkQualInfo.hh)
; evtwt : the values of all EventWeight objects that were in the art even (e.g. proton bunch intensity = PBIWeight)
== Future Developments? ==
== Future Developments? ==

Revision as of 18:41, 30 May 2019


TrkAna is currently being developed in advance of the June 2019 Software Tutorial. This is a rough outline...

How To Run

mu2e -c TrkDiag/fcl/TrkAnaReco.fcl -s mcs.art --TFileName trkana.root

This runs two instances of the TrackAnalysisReco module. One for negative tracks (TrkAnaNeg) and one for positive tracks (TrkAnaPos).

Tree Structure

Here is a very rough description of the tree branches and where to find leaf definitions in the repository:

information about the event (TrkDiag/inc/EventInfo.hh)
count of various hit types (TrkDiag/inc/HitCount.hh)
count of various track types (TrkDiag/inc/TrkCount.hh)
global fit information for downstream electron track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
local fit information for downstream electron track at tracker entrance (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
local fit information for downstream electron track at middle of tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
local fit information for downstream electron track at tracker exit (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
calorimeter cluster information for cluster used in downstream electron track fit (tch = TrkCaloHit, TrkDiag/inc/TrkCaloHitInfo.hh)
calorimeter cluster information for cluster used in upstream electron track fit (tch = TrkCaloHit, TrkDiag/inc/TrkCaloHitInfo.hh)
reconstructed straw hit information for downstream electron track fit (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawHitInfo.hh)
information about straw materials that the downstream electron track fit goes through (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawMatInfo.hh)
global fit information for upstream electron track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
global fit information for downstream muon track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
information about CRV coincidences (CRVAnalysis/inc/CrvHitInfoReco.hh)
MC information about particle that created downstream track (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
MC information about particle that started the simulation (TrkDiag/inc/GenInfo.hh)
MC information about particle that would have ultimately created the GenParticle (TrkDiag/inc/GenInfo.hh)
MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it enters the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it passes the middle of the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
MC information about step of particle that created downstream track as it leaves the tracker (TrkDiag/inc/TrkInfo.hh)
MC information about CRV coincidences (CRVAnalysis/inc/CrvHitInfoMC.hh)
MC information about calorimeter cluster used in the downstream electron fit (TrkDiag/inc/CaloClusterInfoMC.hh)
MC information about calorimeter cluster used in the upstream electron fit (TrkDiag/inc/CaloClusterInfoMC.hh)
MC information about the straw hits used in the downstream electron fit (need diagLevel > 0, TrkDiag/inc/TrkStrawHitInfo.hh)
the input variables and output value of the track quality artificial neural network (TrkDiag/inc/TrkQualInfo.hh)
the values of all EventWeight objects that were in the art even (e.g. proton bunch intensity = PBIWeight)

Future Developments?