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We have produced the equivalent of 1% campaign for the Beam and Digitization and mixing campaigns using the MDC2020k SimJob Musing.
We have produced the equivalent of 1% campaign for the Beam and Digitization and mixing campaigns using the MDC2020k SimJob Musing.
===Beam and Pileup campaign===
===Beam and Pileup===

Revision as of 15:09, 28 October 2021


MDC2020 is an end-to-end production using updated geometry, detector simulations, persistent schema, and simulation workflows compared to MDC2018. The goal is to provide a reasonably complete and accurate model of what Mu2e will record during commissioning and first running period ('Run 1', add reference), including OnSpill, OffSpill, and Extracted Position samples. The primary intended use case of these samples are:

  • Detector calibration and alignment, including cross-system (ie CRV to Calo) calibrations
  • Detector commissioning
  • Trigger algorithm testing and development
  • TDAQ to Offline data transfer workflows
  • Offline reconstruction algorithm development
  • Science extraction framework and algorithm development

The samples have been produced using POMS.

Detector Geometry

The detector geometry and material configuration used in MDC2020 is documented in X (add reference). A brief description of the major features is included below.

Detector Response Simulation

The detector response simulations used for MDC2020 include detailed models of the micro-physics (below the level of the Geant4 energy deposition), and the translation of those processes into digital signals. Details are described in the notes referenced in the table below. Note that a detailed model of the timing distribution system is also part of the digitization model.

Simulation Workflow

The workflow used for MDC2020.

Cosmic Simulation POMS campaign

Beam Simulation POMS campaign

Digitization and mixing POMS campaign

Job Management


We have produced the equivalent of 1% campaign for the Beam and Digitization and mixing campaigns using the MDC2020k SimJob Musing.

Beam and Pileup

Dataset name Number of files Total number of events
sim.mu2e.NeutralsCat.MDC2020k.art 1 1331172
sim.mu2e.IPAStopsCat.MDC2020k.art 1 196
sim.mu2e.TargetStopsCat.MDC2020k.art 1 14094
sim.mu2e.MuminusStopsCat.MDC2020k.art 1 14057
sim.mu2e.MuplusStopsCat.MDC2020k.art 1 37
dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 2 5904
dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 10 906300
dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 1 217395
dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 1 11541
dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 10 255960
dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art 1 1307
dts.mu2e.MuStopPileupCat.MDC2020k.art 1 429692

Digitization and mixing

Dataset name Number of files Total number of events
dts.mu2e.CeEndpoint.MDC2020k.art 10 21814
dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiUntriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 818
dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 13361
dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 888
dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 13378
dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 19553
dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art 10 447