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How to use git flow to update the mu2e_artdaq_core build if you are only changing product_deps, Feb 2018, from Eric Flumerfelt
How to use git flow to update the mu2e_artdaq_core build if you are only changing product_deps, Feb 2018, from Eric Flumerfelt:
[https://cdcvs.fnal.gov/redmine/projects/mu2e_artdaq/wiki/OfflineOnline_Release_Management DAQ wiki link]
git clone ssh://p-mu2e_artdaq@cdcvs.fnal.gov/cvs/projects/mu2e_artdaq-core && cd mu2e_artdaq-core
git flow init # answer questions (develop, master, defaults for rest)
git tag -l|tail -1 # get previous tag
git describe --tags # This will work, too
release=vX_YY_ZZ # use previous tag as reference
git flow release start $release
vi/emacs/gedit/nedit/... ups/product_deps
git commit -am"Update product version and supported art versions"
git flow release finish $release
git push --all;git push --tags

Revision as of 17:34, 28 February 2018

Products artdaq_core (from SCD, in mu manifest), mu2e_artdaq_core (from mu2e DAQ group, added to scisoft and mu2e manifest by hand), and TRACE (a timing package, from SCD and in mu manifest) are needed to read raw data, so are part of offline on cvmfs.

creating DAQ products from Eric Flumerfelt.

Build instructions from Rob:

  Below is how I built artdaq-core.  Similarly for mu2e_artdaq-core.  Writing it all out I see that
it is rather long. It also requires visual inspection of output for pass/fail - so maybe mrb is
worth the investment.


# Environment
setup mu2e
export CETPKG_INSTALL=~/products  # where to install new products .upsfiles needs to be there
export CETPKG_J=60                           # max parallelism in build

# Make top level working directory, clone source and checkout tag
mkdir artdaq-core
cd artdaq-core
git clone http://cdcvs.fnal.gov/projects/artdaq-core
cd artdaq-core
git checkout -b v1_07_08_build v1_07_08

# Make working area and setup environment
cd ..
mkdir build_prof
cd build_prof
source ../artdaq-core/ups/setup_for_development -p   # -p is for prof

buildtool -i

1) After setup_for_development there is a ton of output. There should be
    no errors between the lines:
----------- check this block for errors -----------------------

2) A successful buildtool ends in:
INFO: Stage install / package successful.

3) To make the debug build, log out, log in, follow the above but replace prof
     with debug in 3 places

mkdir build_debug
cd build_debug
source ../artdaq-core/ups/setup_for_development -d   # -d is for debug

How to use git flow to update the mu2e_artdaq_core build if you are only changing product_deps, Feb 2018, from Eric Flumerfelt: DAQ wiki link