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Current To-Do List:  See [ http://mu2e-docdb.fnal.gov:8080/cgi-bin/ShowDocument?docid=8378 Mu2e-doc-8378 ]  
Current To-Do List:  See [http://mu2e-docdb.fnal.gov:8080/cgi-bin/ShowDocument?docid=8378 Mu2e-doc-8378]  
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Revision as of 17:47, 4 April 2017

This page is still Under Construction, but is nonetheless functional.

This page contains two sections. The top is the "Working Area." This includes contact information, a to-do list, and pointers to the relevant documentation describing the various requirement and implementation documents. The bottom is the big picture philosophy, based on the original version of this Geometry page.

NOTE: If you are planning to change the software description of some part of the Mu2e geometry, or if you have approved changes to the geometry that need to get into the Offline software, please first contact the Geometry Czar.

Next Mu2e Geometry Meeting: TBA


David Brown, Geometry Czar

Dave Hedin, G4Beamline

Vitaly Pronskikh, MARS

Rob Kutschke, Computing

Current To-Do List: See Mu2e-doc-8378

Documentation Links:

To Be Completed

Rob Kutschke's Notes on Geometry Philosophy, circa 2010

This note describes the main ideas behind the geometry system used by the Mu2e software.

Mu2e has three major clients for its geometry description:

Event display ( also called visualization).

Here reconstruction should be broadly construed to include software triggers/filters, online in general, calibration and so on. Simulation includes Geant4 and perhaps one or more fast simulation packages. And there might be several event displays, one optimized for visualizing the geometry and another optimized for visualizing hits and tracks. These three clients place very different demands on the geometry system and past experience has shown that, for tracking detectors, it is not possible to build a single representation of the geometry information that works well for all three clients. This is discussed further in Appendix I. This leads to the situation that we must build and maintain distinct geometry representations that are optimized separately for each purpose. With this constraint, the critical problem is to ensure that all of the different representations derive their information from a single authoritative source.

The nominal Mu2e detector can be described by a few hundred numbers. By the "nominal detector", I mean the detector that would exist if we could build it without any misalignments. Most of the work in the next few years will focus on variations of the nominal geometry, perhaps with some heuristic treatments of misalignment. We have planned how real alignment information will eventually plug into the system; this is described later.

Some constraints on the single authoritative geometry are:

For the nominal detector we would like the single authoritative source to be stored as a few human readable text files so that it is easy to compare two candidate detectors without requiring a tool more complicated than the UNIX diff command. We would like to be able to run an instance of the offline software as the lowest non-real-time level of the online system; this includes use f or software triggers and filters. We would like to use the same reconstruction geometry in the online system that we use in all other reconstruction steps. The online system must not have a dependence on Geant4; we do not want the Geant4 memory footprint or the Geant4 startup delays. I am told that it is possible to write GDML files that satisfy the first requirement but I have yet to see a successful demonstration; therefore we have decided not to make a GDML file our single authoritative source. That said, it would be perfectly OK to construct a GDML file from the single authoritative source and use it elsewhere. Requirements 2 through 4 argue that the reconstruction geometry must have no run-time dependence on Geant4; therefore the Geant4 geometry must not be the the single authoritative source. The solution adopted by Mu2e, that satisfies the above constraints, is:

There is a framework service named GeometryService. Any element of the geometry that is used by reconstruction code must be described by classes within the GeometryService. The GeometryService will get its information from the geometry database and the Conditions database. These databases are ultimately the single authoritative source. For the time being, we do not have these databases and the information is held in flat files; as of May 2010, there is a one such file, Mu2G4/test/geom_01.txt. Reconstruction code must get its geometry information from the GeometryService. It must not directly access the databases. If it is convenient, elements of the geometry that are not needed by reconstruction may also be described by the GeometryService but they need not be. For example the reconstruction code does not need to know about the earthen overburden or the concrete shielding blocks. So there is no requirement to represent these within the GeometryService and the code that instantiates these G4 volumes may get its information directly from the databases. The code that instantiates the Geant4 geometry for elements that are used by reconstruction code must get its information from the GeometryService. It must not directly access the geometry or conditions databases. The classes in the GeometryService should have special accessors that present the information required by Geant4 in a convenient form. As much as possible the computation required to convert from the Geometry Service representation to the G4 represenation, should be done in the geometry service. The magnetic field map will be owned and managed by the GeometryService and the G4 magnetic field routines should contact the geometry service to access the field. The GeometryService has a "front-end" and "back end". The front end is the classes that are seen by the clients; these classes are "mostly dumb data" and must be persistable. These classes will be written to the run-data segment of the event-data file. The front end classes do not know how to populate their own information; that is the job of the back-end classes. A more complete discussion follows. As we develop visualization packages, they should get their information via the geometry service. As needed, we should add functionality to the geometry service to support this. As mentioned earlier, the GeometryService has a front end and a back end; the front end is the part seen by the clients and our goal is to make this interface stable in time. For example, client code can ask the GeometryService for an LTracker; it can then ask the LTracker for the properties of a straw such as the position of the mid-point of the straw, a unit vector in the direction of the straw, the outer radius of the straw, the material(s) of which the straw is made and so on. A key feature of the design is that the LTracker class is "mostly dumb data"; that is, the LTracker knows the position of each straw but it has no idea where that information came from; it just knows. There is a companion class, the LTrackerMaker, that knows how to create an LTrac ker fully populated with the correct information. The LTracker class is only "mostly" dumb-data since it may do simple computations on its own member data; for example it may have an accessor that returns a diameter when the relevant data member is a radius.

Why two classes, the LTracker and the LTrackerMaker? The main reason is that the LTracker needs to be persistable while the LTrackerMaker has no reason to be per sisted and might be very, very difficult to persist. The difficulty arises because the LTrackerMaker will someday need to know how to interface with databases. To avoid this complication the parts that need to be persistable were kept simple and moved into separate classes.

The existing classes in the Geometry service, LTracker, TTracker an so on should be considered as prototypes. When reconstruction algorithms require that new features be added to these classes, then those features should be added. Presumably this will happen many times in the coming months; when possible we should add to the interface, rather than changing the interface but there may we be times when we need to change interface and, therefore, change client code that depends on it. There is not yet so much client code that it justifies compromises in the design of the geometry classes.

The existing geometry classes currently contain some pointers; they also contain the indices that are necessary to restore the pointers after persistency. We do not yet have a solution to automatically restore the pointers after persistency but we will soon.

Appendix I: Examples of different demands

When doing tracking finding and fitting we will want to know things like: a unit vector that is tangent to the wire catenary at a given position along the wire; the unit normals to each face of support materials. Moreover we will want this information given in one coordinate system for all straws, presumably one with the origin at the nominal center of the tracker. In the Geant4 geometry system the above are derived quantities that are not naturally available and are difficult to compute. A Geant4 geometry object only knows about its position and orientation within its immediate mother volume; it knows nothing about its position and orientation within its grandmother or great-grandmother volumes. Those transformations are computed by Geant4 as needed. There is no point within the execution of G4 that one could write a loop over all straws and find their locations within the coordinate system of the Tracker mother volume.

In the mid to late 1990's there were several spectacular failures in which groups tried to write a track reconstruction and visualization code by deriving classes from the Geant4 geometry classes. The main issue was that it was necessary to carry around the full machinery of Geant4, which requires both a large memory footprint and large CPU time for initialization. This burden was too big to bear in environments like software based high-level triggers on machines with limited memory and otherwise-light-weight graphics applications.