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The digitization stream is divided into five parts: Signal, Diag, Trk, Calo, Untriggered, which are described in [https://mu2e-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/sso/ShowDocument?docid=41757 DocDB 41757]. To obtain details (number of events, number of files, GB, etc.) about a dataset you can use the <tt>datasetSummary.sh</tt> script, available in the Production repository.  
The digitization stream is divided into five parts: Signal, Diag, Trk, Calo, Untriggered, which are described in [https://mu2e-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/sso/ShowDocument?docid=41757 DocDB 41757]. To obtain details (number of events, number of files, GB, etc.) about a dataset you can use the <tt>datasetSummary.sh</tt> script, available in the Production repository.  
In the following summary, <tt>[stream]</tt> can be '''Untriggered''', '''Calo''', '''Signal''', '''Diag''', '''Trk''' and <tt>[purpose]</tt> can be '''perfect''', '''best''', '''startup'''. The digitization <tt>[digi]</tt> can be '''Mix''' for mixed samples, '''OnSpill''' for unmixed samples. '''1BB''' means 1 booster proton batch and '''2BB''' means 2 booster proton batches.
In the following summary, <tt>[stream]</tt> can be '''Untriggered''', '''Calo''', '''Signal''', '''Diag''', '''Trk''' and <tt>[purpose]</tt> can be '''perfect''', '''best''', '''startup'''. The digitization <tt>[digi]</tt> can be '''Mix<tt>[intensity]</tt>''' for mixed samples, '''OnSpill''' for unmixed samples. An <tt>[intensity]</tt> of '''1BB''' corresponds to 1 booster proton batch, '''2BB''' means 2 booster proton batches.  MDC2020 also supports 'Low' intensity, but no production samples of that have been produced yet.
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Revision as of 05:40, 3 February 2023


MDC2020 is an end-to-end production using updated geometry, detector simulations, persistent schema, and simulation workflows compared to MDC2018. The goal is to provide a reasonably complete and accurate model of what Mu2e will record during commissioning and first running period ('Run 1', add reference), including OnSpill, OffSpill, and Extracted Position samples. The primary intended use case of these samples are:

  • Detector calibration and alignment, including cross-system (ie CRV to Calo) calibrations
  • Detector commissioning
  • Trigger algorithm testing and development
  • TDAQ to Offline data transfer workflows
  • Offline reconstruction algorithm development
  • Science extraction framework and algorithm development

The samples have been produced using POMS.

Detector Geometry

The detector geometry and material configuration used in MDC2020 is documented in X (add reference). A brief description of the major features is included below.

Detector Response Simulation

The detector response simulations used for MDC2020 include detailed models of the micro-physics (below the level of the Geant4 energy deposition), and the translation of those processes into digital signals. Details are described in the notes referenced in the table below. Note that a detailed model of the timing distribution system is also part of the digitization model.

Simulation Workflow

The workflow used for MDC2020.

Cosmic Simulation POMS campaign

POMS campaign for cosmic rays.

The cosmic simulation creates a sample of cosmic rays with three different configurations:

  • Standard position, magnetic field on
  • Standard position, magnetic field off
  • Extracted position, magnetic field off

Beam Simulation POMS campaign

The goal of the beam campaign is to generate the particles needed for mixing (muons, electrons, neutrals) starting from the protons on target (POT stage).

Digitization and mixing POMS campaign

POMS campaign for primary particle.

For each primary (e.g. DIO, CeEndpoint, CePlusEndpoint, etc.) we run digitization and reconstruction with ("mix" output) and without beam mixing ("digi" output). The beam mixing stream is divided into three branches one per configuration ("perfect", "best", "reco").

To run mixing on a new primary you should use a clone of the production POMS campaign, substituting your primary for one of the existing (CeEndpont, etc). Note that the new primary must have been entered into the SAM database as part of MDC2020 production, preferably using a clone of the primary POMS campaign.

to TEST mixing, you can manually invoke the scripts, as in the following example:

> cd mymusedir
> muse setup
> setup dhtools
> setup mu2etools
> kx509
> vomsCert
> git clone git@github.com:Mu2e/Production.git
> source Production/Scripts/gen_Mix.sh CeEndpoint MDC2020 p r v perfect v2_0 1BB
> mu2e -c CeEndpointMix1BB_000/cnf.mu2e.CeEndpointMix1BB.MDC2020v_perfect_v2_0.001210_00000000.fcl --nevts 10

Current Datasets

These are the datasets currently available which correspond to the full 100% campaign. The three digi and reco configurations ("perfect", "best", "reco") correspond to three different detector conditions as described in DocDB 42036.

The digitization stream is divided into five parts: Signal, Diag, Trk, Calo, Untriggered, which are described in DocDB 41757. To obtain details (number of events, number of files, GB, etc.) about a dataset you can use the datasetSummary.sh script, available in the Production repository.

In the following summary, [stream] can be Untriggered, Calo, Signal, Diag, Trk and [purpose] can be perfect, best, startup. The digitization [digi] can be Mix[intensity] for mixed samples, OnSpill for unmixed samples. An [intensity] of 1BB corresponds to 1 booster proton batch, 2BB means 2 booster proton batches. MDC2020 also supports 'Low' intensity, but no production samples of that have been produced yet.

Digi Reco
dig.mu2e.CeEndpoint[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.CeEndpoint[digi]1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMix2BB[stream].MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.CeEndpointMix2BBSignal.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpoint[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.CePlusEndpoint[digi]1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.FlateMinus[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.FlateMinus[digi]1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.FlatePlus[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.FlatePlus[digi]1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMix1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.NoPrimaryMix1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.PBIPathological_33344MixSeq[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.PBIPathological_33344MixSeqSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.IPAMuminusMichel[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.IPAMuminusMichelMix1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art
dig.mu2e.IPAFlateMinus[digi]1BB[stream].MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art mcs.mu2e.IPAFlateMinusMix1BBSignal.MDC2020r_[purpose]_v1_0.art

Argonne CRY datasets

These are CRY datasets produced by Yuri Oksuzian on the Argonne supercomputer

location records files MB events dataset

  T     2237     2237       559            0   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillCalo.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     2237     2237       559            0   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillDiag.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     2237     2237     10494       137638   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillSignal.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     2237     2237      2275        19387   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillTrk.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     2237     2237     14472       891925   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillUntriggered.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      200      200      1099          169   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBCalo.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      200      200       145            0   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBDiag.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      200      200    370173        87358   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBSignal.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      200      200     39523         9099   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBTrk.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      200      200    137872        30371   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBUntriggered.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     7897     7896      1964            0   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillCalo.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     7897     7897      1964            0   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillDiag.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     7897     7897     25841       392295   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillSignal.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     7897     7896      5609        45496   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillTrk.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T     7897     7897     51348      4324567   dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillUntriggered.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      213      213     14993       126613   mcs.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiOnSpillSignal.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      196      196     29577        82601   mcs.mu2e.CosmicCRYhiSigFiltMix2BBSignal.MDC2020s_perfect_v1_0.art
  T      781      781     43287       379186   mcs.mu2e.CosmicCRYloOnSpillSignal.MDC2020r_perfect_v1_0.art

Detector Background datasets

The final production background datasets for normal mixing are listed below. Note that normal workflows do not require you to ever directly access these: mixing jobs to use these should be configured using the Production/Scripts/gen_Mix.sh script.

files     MB      events     dataset

 9598 2948814  874688822   dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020p.art
 9700  211960  248809400   dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020p.art
   50   47481   43638457   dts.mu2e.MuStopPileupCat.MDC2020p.art
   20   15659   22262973   dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020p.art

The NeutralsFlashCat and EleBeamFlash datasets are quite large and require a lot of staging time and space

In addition, there are production background datasets for early digitization mixing listed below. Note there are no 'Early' MuStopPileup, as the standard dataset version of those works fine for early (>200ns) digitization mixing.

files     MB      events     dataset

  179    2279     521442   dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020p.art
   92     425     113819   dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020p.art
   19     859    1151125   dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020p.art

Older Datasets

The following have been superseded by the above datasets and should not be used for any new work.

1% test

We have produced the equivalent of 1% campaign for the Beam and Digitization and mixing campaigns using the MDC2020k SimJob Musing.

                       dataset                                    N ev  N files  totGB  MB/file  ev/file

                                 sim.mu2e.Beam.MDC2020k.art     337915    500      1      2      675
                             sim.mu2e.Neutrals.MDC2020k.art    1331172    500      2      5     2662
                          sim.mu2e.NeutralsCat.MDC2020k.art    1331172      1      2   2407  1331172
                    dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlash.MDC2020k.art       1307    495      0      0        2
                         dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlash.MDC2020k.art      25596    495      0      0       51
                           sim.mu2e.EleBeamCat.MDC2020k.art     328981      1      1   1064   328981
                            sim.mu2e.MuBeamCat.MDC2020k.art       8934      1      0     25     8934
                 dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art       1307      1      0     12     1307
                             sim.mu2e.IPAStops.MDC2020k.art        196     98      0      0        2
                          sim.mu2e.TargetStops.MDC2020k.art      14094     98      0      0      143
                          sim.mu2e.IPAStopsCat.MDC2020k.art        196      1      0      2      196
                       sim.mu2e.TargetStopsCat.MDC2020k.art      14094      1      0     32    14094
                          dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlash.MDC2020k.art     217395     98      0      2     2218
                       dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art     217395      1      0    165   217395
                        dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlash.MDC2020k.art      90630    981      0      0       92
                     dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlash.MDC2020k.art      11541     98      0      0      117
                  dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art      11541      1      0     11    11541
                   dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlash.MDC2020k.art       5904    981      0      0        6
                      sim.mu2e.MuminusStopsCat.MDC2020k.art      14057      1      0     30    14057
                       sim.mu2e.MuplusStopsCat.MDC2020k.art         37      1      0      0       37
                dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020k.art       5904      2      0     21     2952
                         dts.mu2e.MuStopPileup.MDC2020k.art     429692     49      0     10     8769
                      dts.mu2e.MuStopPileupCat.MDC2020k.art     429692      1      0    501   429692
                      dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020k.art     255960     10      0     33    25596
                     dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020k.art     906300     10      3    309    90630
                           dts.mu2e.CeEndpoint.MDC2020k.art      21814     10      0     43     2181
            dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiUntriggered.MDC2020k.art        818     10      0      3       81
              dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020k.art      13361     10      0     52     1336
               dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art      13378     10     20   2020     1337
             dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art        888     10      1    146       88
                dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art        447     10      1    102       44
              dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art      19553     10     28   2871     1955
     dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryPBISequenceMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art        716     10      2    280       71
   dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryPBISequenceMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art      18722     10     51   5110     1872
                           dts.mu2e.FlateMinus.MDC2020k.art     141233    100      2     28     1412
               dig.mu2e.FlateMinusMixTriggered.MDC2020k.art      70735    100    105   1054      707
             dig.mu2e.FlateMinusMixUntriggered.MDC2020k.art      17471    100     28    285      174
                 sim.mu2e.CosmicDSStopsCORSIKA.MDC2020k.art      10894     50      0     14      217
              sim.mu2e.CosmicDSStopsCORSIKACat.MDC2020k.art      10894      1      0    715    10894
                        dts.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKA.MDC2020k.art    2151211    293     42    144     7342
            dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020km.art        815     10      1    140       81
              dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020km.art      13460     10     20   2094     1346
          dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020km.art       8572     10     13   1339      857
        dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020km.art       1677     10      2    287      167
               dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixTriggered.MDC2020km.art         33     10      0      7        3
             dig.mu2e.NoPrimaryMixUntriggered.MDC2020km.art      19967     10     30   3060     1996
              mcs.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020km.art      11997      9      1    137     1333
           dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKAMixTriggered.MDC2020km.art       4205    293      1      4       14
         dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKAMixUntriggered.MDC2020km.art       5392    293      8     28       18
          dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiTriggered.MDC2020km.art        254    293      0      0        0
        dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiUntriggered.MDC2020km.art       5511    293      0      1       18
          mcs.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiTriggered.MDC2020km.art        243    293      0      0        0

10% and 10h tests

                       dataset                                    N ev  N files  totGB  MB/file  ev/file

                 sim.mu2e.CosmicDSStopsCRY.MDC2020n_10h.art     126800    500      8     17      253
             sim.mu2e.CosmicDSStopsCORSIKA.MDC2020n_10h.art     126105    500      8     16      252
                        dts.mu2e.CosmicCRY.MDC2020n_10h.art     444334    489      6     13      908
                   dts.mu2e.CosmicLooseCRY.MDC2020n_10h.art   14700503    489    277    568    30062
               dts.mu2e.CosmicLooseCORSIKA.MDC2020n_10h.art   15641333    500    290    581    31282
                    dts.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKA.MDC2020n_10h.art     483468    500      6     13      966
                     dts.mu2e.CosmicCRYCat.MDC2020n_10h.art     444334     10      6    624    44433
                 dts.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKACat.MDC2020n_10h.art     483468     10      6    654    48346
       dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art       1781     10      0     12      178
     dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art      45584     10      0     89     4558
       mcs.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKADigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art       1726     10      0     20      172
       dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKAMixTriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art       2817    497      5     11        5
     dig.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKAMixUntriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art      43890    497     67    136       88
                        sim.mu2e.Neutrals.MDC2020n_10pc.art   13303464   5000     25      5     2660
                            sim.mu2e.Beam.MDC2020n_10pc.art    3374405   5000     13      2      674
         dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYMixUntriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art      39695    487     61    125       81
           dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYMixTriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art       2868    487      5     11        5
                       sim.mu2e.MuBeamCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art      86814     10      0     25     8681
                      sim.mu2e.EleBeamCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art    3287591     10     10   1065   328759
                     sim.mu2e.NeutralsCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art   13303464     10     24   2405  1330346
                     dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art    2079340    929      2      2     2238
                     sim.mu2e.TargetStops.MDC2020n_10pc.art     132728    929      0      0      142
                        sim.mu2e.IPAStops.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1752    929      0      0        1
                dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art     113298    929      0      0      121
           mcs.mu2e.CosmicCRYMixTriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art       2184    487      0      1        4
                    dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art     259987   4994      1      0       52
               dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art      12442   4994      0      0        2
       mcs.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKAMixTriggered.MDC2020kn_10h.art       2147    497      0      1        4
                   dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art     911122   9993      6      0       91
              dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlash.MDC2020n_10pc.art      58465   9993      1      0        5
                     sim.mu2e.IPAStopsCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1752      2      0     10      876
             dts.mu2e.EarlyMuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art     113298      2      0     53    56649
                  dts.mu2e.MuBeamFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art    2079340      2      1    795  1039670
                  sim.mu2e.TargetStopsCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art     132728      2      0    151    66364
                 sim.mu2e.MuminusStopsCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art     132176      1      0    289   132176
                  sim.mu2e.MuplusStopsCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art        555      1      0      6      555
                    dts.mu2e.MuStopPileup.MDC2020n_10pc.art    4362689    500      5     10     8725
           dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art       1917     10      0     13      191
         dig.mu2e.CosmicCRYDigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art      41282     10      0     83     4128
           mcs.mu2e.CosmicCRYDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10h.art       1843     10      0     22      184
                 dts.mu2e.MuStopPileupCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art    4362689      5      4    987   872537
            dts.mu2e.EarlyEleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art      12442     10      0     12     1244
           dts.mu2e.EarlyNeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art      58465     20      0     21     2923
                 dts.mu2e.EleBeamFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art   25998700   1000     33     33    25998
                dts.mu2e.NeutralsFlashCat.MDC2020n_10pc.art   91112200   1000    307    307    91112
                      dts.mu2e.CeEndpoint.MDC2020n_10pc.art      21853     10      0     43     2185
       dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        814     10      0      3       81
         dig.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art      14538     10      0     57     1453
         mcs.mu2e.CeEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art      14430     10      1    109     1443
             dts.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKANoField.MDC2020n_10h.art     565849    499      7     14     1133
    sim.mu2e.CosmicCORSIKANoFieldExtracted.MDC2020n_10h.art      20217    496      0      0       40
                      dts.mu2e.FlateMinus.MDC2020n_10pc.art       4664     10      0     18      466
         dig.mu2e.FlateMinusDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       2261     10      0     12      226
       dig.mu2e.FlateMinusDigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        422     10      0      2       42
         mcs.mu2e.FlateMinusDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       2225     10      0     20      222
          dig.mu2e.FlateMinusMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1976      9      3    338      219
        dig.mu2e.FlateMinusMixUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        397      9      0     76       44
          mcs.mu2e.FlateMinusMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1908      9      0     24      212
          mcs.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       9904      7      0    141     1414
                       dts.mu2e.FlatePlus.MDC2020n_10pc.art       4600     10      0     18      460
                  dts.mu2e.CePlusEndpoint.MDC2020n_10pc.art      17187     10      0     71     1718
        dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        871      9      1    164       96
          dig.mu2e.CeEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art      12939      9     19   2200     1437
        dig.mu2e.FlatePlusDigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        367     10      0      2       36
          dig.mu2e.FlatePlusDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       2245     10      0     13      224
     dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       9609     10      0     56      960
   dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointDigiUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1740     10      0      9      174
           dig.mu2e.FlatePlusMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1976      9      2    330      219
         dig.mu2e.FlatePlusMixUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art        354      9      0     66       39
          mcs.mu2e.FlatePlusDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       2202     10      0     20      220
     mcs.mu2e.CePlusEndpointDigiTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       9414     10      0     85      941
    dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointMixUntriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1297      7      2    306      185
      dig.mu2e.CePlusEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       6638      7     10   1437      948
           mcs.mu2e.FlatePlusMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       1910      9      0     24      212
      mcs.mu2e.CePlusEndpointMixTriggered.MDC2020n_10pc.art       6404      7      0    102      914