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=== Task 2: Viewing extracted cosmics===
=== Task 2: Viewing extracted cosmics===
Extracted mode means the tracker and calorimeter are outside the solenoid. We want to visualize straight cosmics in this mode.
mu2e -c REve/examples/extracted_example.fcl /pnfs/mu2e/scratch/users/brownd/workflow/default/outstage/3553474/00/00000/mcs.brownd.CosmicCRYExtractedCatDigiTrk.MDC2020z.001205_00000012.art
Try with the default setting, select Next Event (slowly) until you see the events with visible CRV bar hits.
You can try "Quitting" once you see that event.
Try setting MCTraj : false in the extracted_example.fcl and rerun. You are now looking at a reconstructed Kalman track known as a Kinematic Line fit in KinKal.

Revision as of 18:01, 28 September 2023

REve/Mu2e Event Display


The REve/Mu2e Event Display is useful for visualizing the data or MC you are analyzing.

I have prepared two examples:

1) Visualize a CeEndpoint Mix sample 2) Visualize a Cosmic sample in Extracted mode

Before you start

Clone Mu2e/REve: Look at the https://github.com/Mu2e/REve and clone this package into your working area and use muse build to build and compile the code.

Modify your .rootrc to the commands listed in the REve/README.md. Choose a number which is not 1234 (or let ROOT decide for you by not adding that part to the .rootrc).


Look at the helix_example.fcl. If you are familar with Mu2e data products you will recognize the options you have to display.

Task 1: View all products

Without altering the fcl run the following command:

mu2e -c REve/examples/helix_example.fcl /pnfs/mu2e/tape/phy-sim/mcs/mu2e/CeEndpointMix1BBSignal/MDC2020z_best_v1_1/art/01/94/mcs.mu2e.CeEndpointMix1BBSignal.MDC2020z_best_v1_1.001210_00000787.art

You should see a series of print statements and a pause.

If you are on the FNAL site, open a browser on your local machine and copy the URL (something like http://localhost:3001/win1/) change this to something like (http://mu2egpvm02.fnal.gov:3001/win1/).

If you are off-site you will need to setup a tunnel ,something like:

ssh -KXY -L 3001:mu2egpvm01.fnal.gov:3001 user@mu2egpvm01.fnal.gov

change "3001" to the number you are given by ROOT, or that you chose in your .rootrc. Then something like http://localhost:3001/win1/ in the browser should help.

You should see an image of the CEEndpoint with pileup. By default the MC trajectory, KalSeed and CaloClusters and CaloCrystals are shown).

Hover over objects to find information about them. Use the "Next Event" to skip (do this slowly).

Once finished select the "Quit" button to exit.


During first data taking we will view cosmic muons in an extracted positon. Here the Calo and Tracker are outside the solenoids and a few sections of the CRV are placed above.

Task 2: Viewing extracted cosmics

Extracted mode means the tracker and calorimeter are outside the solenoid. We want to visualize straight cosmics in this mode.

mu2e -c REve/examples/extracted_example.fcl /pnfs/mu2e/scratch/users/brownd/workflow/default/outstage/3553474/00/00000/mcs.brownd.CosmicCRYExtractedCatDigiTrk.MDC2020z.001205_00000012.art

Try with the default setting, select Next Event (slowly) until you see the events with visible CRV bar hits.

You can try "Quitting" once you see that event.

Try setting MCTraj : false in the extracted_example.fcl and rerun. You are now looking at a reconstructed Kalman track known as a Kinematic Line fit in KinKal.