Tutorial 2019 June

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This is a page is under development: please do not use! Starting page for the June 2019 Mu2e Tutorials


Place holder for introduction

Before your arrive in Minnesota

Tell people what to do before they travel to Minnesota: get accounts, log in to mu2egpvm and setup .bashrc etc ..  Install software on their laptop ..


If you understand the information below you should find the tutorials fairly straightforward. If you are learning this material as you go along, it will take longer to work through the tutorials.  That's OK.  Take your time and learn what you need to be effective in Mu2e.




List of exercises (or links to exercises) ...

Instructions for Session Leaders

Please read all of the instructions below before starting to plan your session! A session leaders job is to help tutorial attendees execute a series of simple exercises that you have prepared in advance. Each session will have it's on wiki page, which will be linked to the main tutorial page. The goals of the session should be clearly defined at the top of this page; for instance 'In this Tutorial you will learn how to analyze TTree data produced by TrkAna'. The prerequisites for your session should be clearly defined at the top of the session. This may include other tutorials the attendees should have completed, any required reading and any required downloads.

wiki page

Each exercise should be described by a corresponding section on your tutorial
Each tutorial session will be approximately 1 hour long
You should assume setup and checking prerequisites will take the first 5-10 minutes
Assume at least 5

The session time should be dominated by time spent actually doing things