Running Art Tutorial

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Tutorial Session Goal

In this Tutorial you will learn how to run the Mu2e 'art' framework executable (mu2e), both interactively and on the grid.

Session Prerequisites and Advance Preparation

Session Introduction

Art is a software framework for processing events with modular code with lots of run-time configurability. Art is controlled by scripts in a dedicated configuration language called fhicl (.fcl suffix). Art uses rootIO to store events.

This tutorial will cover how to build and run several different kinds of art jobs, and how to use the mu2e job tools to divide large projects into many separate jobs, and how to run those jobs in parallel on Fermigrid or the OSG (open science grid).


Exercise 1: Running a simple module (Hello, Tutorial!) and basic FHiCL

In this exercise, we will run a simple module that will print a welcoming message.

  1. First set up to run Offline
  2. source (??) cd $TUTORIAL_BASE/RunningArt
  3. The executable we use to run Offline is "mu2e." Use the --help option to display all the command line options
  4. mu2e --help
  5. FHiCL files (*.fcl) tell Offline what to do. We specify the fcl file we want to use every time we run Offline using the "-c" option. We will now run a simple job that prints a hello message using a premade fcl file.
  6. mu2e -c fcl/hello.fcl This will write "Hello, world" and the full event id for the first 3 events.
  7. We can now explore the hello.fcl file that configured this Offline job to see how it works.
  8. more fcl/hello.fcl
    1. variable : value
    2. #include
    3. source
    4. services
    5. physics
    6. paths
  9. You can find a lot more information about fcl in the Art workbook and users guide (, start at chapter 9.

Exercise 2: Module configuration with FHiCL

We will now see how to modify FHiCL to run different modules and even configure those modules at runtime

  1. We have a new fcl file, hello2.fcl, try running that.
  2. mu2e -c fcl/hello2.fcl We can see we are running a different module, and it has some Magic number that we should be able to change. Looking at hello2.fcl, you should see the new module is called HelloWorld2
  3. We can look at the source code for HelloWorld2 to see how we change Magic number.
  4. gedit $MU2E_BASE_RELEASE/HelloWorld/src/ In the constructor (line 29 to 37), you can see this module takes a fhicl::ParameterSet object, and magic number is initialized with the code pset.get<int>("magicNumber",-1) This means in the FHiCL configuration of HelloWorld2, it is looking for a variable:value line where the variable name is "magicNumber" and the value is an integer.
  5. Configure fcl to set Magic number to 5 by adding a line "magicNumber : 5" under module_type. Run the fcl again to check that it changed
  6. You can also add this configuration to the end of the fcl file by using the full parameter location, i.e. physics.analyzers.hello2.magicNumber : 9 Try adding this to the end of your file and see if the magic Number changed
  7. Finally, try running both this module and the original HelloWorld module by adding the module declaration from hello.fcl and adding it to your end_path

Exercise 3: Using a more realistic Mu2e fcl to simulate an event

  • prolog, epilog
  • @local, @table, @sequence
  • primary, mixing, reco
  • debugging config
mu2e -c fcl/CeEndpoint.fcl --debug-config CeEndpoint-debug.fcl

Exercise 4: Exploring Offline outputs

The above exercise should produce two files, and nts.owner.CeEndpoint.version.sequencer.root (also located in $TUTORIAL_BASE/RunningArt/data). Both are actually root files, but they contain different information. The .root files produced by Offline are used for diagnostic histograms and TTrees, and analysis output like TrkAna that can be used in a normal root analysis. The .art files contain the actual c++ objects Offline uses to describe the event (both simulation information and reconstructed information), and so are in general meant to be processed by other Offline jobs.

  1. Open both files in a root TBrowser to see their contents
  2. The .root file will have a few histograms describing the event generator output. The .art file will have TTrees for Event/subRun/Run level information. If you open the Events TTree, you will see lots of branches with complicated names.
  3. We can use Offline modules to better understand the .art file contents.
  4. mu2e -c Print/fcl/dumpDataProducts.fcl --source The art "dataproducts" are saved into .art files using the naming scheme className_moduleName_instanceName_processName Modules are not allowed to modify data in Art. Instead, if you want to change a dataproduct, modules will create a new modified version. Since the saved version always includes the moduleName, it is possible to refer to only this modified version in future modules or analyses.

Exercise 5: Create your own primary production job

  • Look in JobConfig/primary
  • Look at EventGenerator/fcl/prolog.fcl
  • Add seed information

Exercise 6: Running event reconstruction

  • FIXME need non mixing script
  • Use output of exercise 4 or $TUTORIAL_BASE/RunningArt/data/
mu2e -c JobConfig/fcl/mcdigis.fcl --source $TUTORIAL_BASE/RunningArt/data/
  • Run dumpDataProducts.fcl on the dig.*.art and the mcs.*.art files and compare

Exercise 7: Running TrkDiag to create TrkAna TTrees

mu2e -c TrkDiag/fcl/TrkAnaReco.fcl --source-list files.txt

Exercise 8: Using generate_fcl to prepare to run jobs on the grid

setup mu2etools

  • Look at JobConfig/examples/
  • description / dsconf / dsowner
  • Generate grid jobs for digi production
  • Look at JobConfig/examples/
  • inputs / merge-factor
  • Generate grid jobs for reco production

Exercise 9: Adding backgrounds with event mixing

  • Compare JobConfig/primary/CeEndpoint.fcl to JobConfig/mixing/CeEndpoint.fcl
  • locate background-cat.txt files
  • aux-input
  • generate_fcl
  • run interactively, note job length

Exercise 10: Submitting grid jobs with mu2eprodsys

setup mu2egrid

  • wfproject
  • setup vs code tarball
  • fcl on pnfs vs tarball

mu2eprodsys --dry-run

Exercise 11: Running the event display

Reference Materials

  • art workbook
  • various DocDBs that reference production, satellite release, partial checkout, etc.