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As Mu2e approaches data-taking there will be many more ntuples, calibration procedures, and analysis code developed. Muse is a UPS product containing a set of scripts and scons commands to enable building Offline and other Muse-ready repos together. Currently it could be described as pre-beta, so not completely stable.

The following is a recipe for testing building Offline with the Tutorial repo, as an example.

 setup mu2e
 setup muse
  < cd to a working dir >
 git clone
 git clone
 muse -h
 muse setup
 muse build -j 20 >& b_00.log
 mu2e -n 10 -c Offline/Validation/fcl/ceSimReco.fcl
 mu2e -s \
    -c Tutorial/DataExploration/fcl/Ex01.fcl

  < in the same working dir, but in a second window>
 muse setup -q debug
 muse status
 muse build -j 20 >& d_00.log
 mu2e -s \
    -c Tutorial/DataExploration/fcl/Ex02.fcl

An example of a backing release

 setup mu2e
 setup muse
  < cd to a working dir that will be the backing build >
 git clone
 muse setup
 muse build -j 20 >& b_00.log

  < *in a new process* cd to a working dir that will link to the backing build >

 setup mu2e
 setup muse
 git clone
 muse link /path/backing_working_dir/Offline
 muse setup
 muse build -j 20 >& b_00.log
 mu2e -n 10 -c Offline/Validation/fcl/ceSimReco.fcl
 mu2e -s \
    -c Tutorial/DataExploration/fcl/Ex02.fcl