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This page explains the initial steps to preparing the linux shell environment for building code, running executables, or submitting jobs.

Mu2e environment

Please refer to the Shells pages to setup your bash login scripts. This page assumes you have followed the recommendations there, in particular, you have placed

source /cvmfs/

in your .bash_profile

After logging in you should be able to

setup mu2e

If you see any errors, you probably do not have the above condition met.

The setup mu2e command executes a UPS procedure to alter your environment. In particular this command:

  1. sets variable environmental variables such as
  3. sets your product path (where UPS can find more UPS products) to
  4. /cvmfs/ /cvmfs/
  5. does a UPS setups of a version of git
  6. does a UPS setup of a version of Muse

At this point, you are ready start selecting which Mu2e code to build or run.