STNtuple Tutorial Session

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Tutorial Session Goal

This tutorial will show how to use the STNtuple package to analyze Mu2e data.

Session Prerequisites and Advance Preparation

This tutorial requires the user to:

Session Introduction

STNtuple is based on a software design developed at CDF and ported to Mu2e by Pasha Murat. The code for STNtuple is kept in a separate package from the Mu2e Offline.


  • Install STNtuple in your satellite release
  • Run STNtuple on a standard file
  • Explore data structure of the ntuple produced by STNtuple
  • Event display in STNtuple
  • Advanced analysis in STNtuple

Session Organization Guideline

  • Encourage your attendees to ask questions if they are unsure what to do.
  • You may or may not have session helpers, who have already performed the tutorial
  • If someone finishes a step or exercise early, have them look around for neighbors that need help.
  • If someone is stuck, have them raise their hand to get help.

Reference Materials

  • Use this place to add inks to reference materials.