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example page for git documentation

Building code

  • Basic recipe for creating a satellite release
source /cvmfs/
setup mu2e
cd Offline
[add content]
scons -j 4 
  • Basic recipe for setup, checkout and build
source /cvmfs/
setup mu2e
git clone
- or -
git clone ssh://
cd Offline
git checkout -b work
scons -j 4 

Modules, Products, and Services

Configuring fcl

  • SimpleConfig
  • Run-time Configuration (.fcl files)
  • Trigger_paths, end_paths and reconstruction on demand.
  • Configuring input and output modules
  • Search path for some run-time files.
  • Using and configuring the message logger

Code Management

mu2e uses git for all code management. There is one main repository for code (with BTrk, the Kalman fit, in a separate respository) and a few smaller repositories for tools. Built releases are distributed worldwide, including remote institutions and the grids with the cvmfs distributed disk system. The code is built after every commit, and built and validated every night on the Jenkins build platform.

Standards and Practices

  • Editors: Emacs, vim; policy of not using tab characters.
  • CMS code references: Home Offline WorkBook SW Guide
  • Units and Coordinate Systems

External Packages

  • UPS/UPD as used by Mu2e
  • Setting up ROOT by itself
  • Mu2e code
  • art
  • CMS Framework
  • Root (v5.28)
  • Geant4 DOxygen(v9.4.p01)
  • Geant4 LXR
  • CLHEP(v.
  • HepPDT
  • fhicl-cpp
  • cetlib
  • Message Facility
  • cpp0x
  • BTrk
  • LXR browsers for many Fermilab projects
  • The art redmine wiki, art-users archive
  • Other external software used by Mu2e with links to documentation.