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While MDC2020 is under development, Mu2e is providing a limited set of development data files. These are updated versions of MDC2018 files, intended to be used to develop and validate code intended to be run in MDC2020. These files will be replaced regularly as the data formats evolve, so that they will always be compatible with the head of the Offline master branch. The list of the currently available files is below. Note that these files are not recorded in the SAM database and are not backed up to tape, in order to minimize overhead and provide rapid updates. Data files are rooted in /pnfs/mu2e/persistent/users/mu2epro/MDC2020Dev/ = $MDC2020Dev . Note too that, currently, MDC2018 sim datasets (including mixin files) are still readable using the head of master, though that will change.

Description Data type Source List Notes
DS-cosmic-nofield digi $MDC2020Dev/DS-cosmic-nofield/sources.txt Reprocessed from the MDC2018 collection
CeEndpoint-mix digi $MDC2020Dev/CeEndpoint-mix/sources.txt mixed with MDC2018 backgrounds
CeplusEndpoint-mix digi $MDC2020Dev/CeplusEndpoint-mix/sources.txt mixed with MDC2018 backgrounds
NoPrimary-mix 'd' digi $MDC2020Dev/NoPrimary-mix-d/sources.txt MDC2018 backgrounds with no primary or filtering

A checklist of tasks in preparation for MDC2020.

Responsible Topic Notes
Michael MacKenzie G4 Material and Geometry
Richie Bonventre Tracker Digi format
Dave Brown (LBNL) Straw Gas Step
Ralf Ehrlich CRV Bar Step
Bertrand Echenard Calorimeter MCtruth
Krzysztof Genser StepPointMC, SimParticle etc. updates