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The Mu2e TEveEventDisplay

EVE is the Event Visualization Environment within ROOT. It is used extensively in HEP. EVE provides an application framework for the construction of event-display programs and is built on top of ROOT's GUI, GL and GED infrastructure allowing it to easily integrate with the existing Mu2e Framework. TEve GUI interface allows the users to view the geometry and tracks in interactively and zoom in on and rotate interesting features.

Within Mu2e a TEve based Event Display has been developed. It resides in the TEveEventDisplay directory.

The display allows 3D graphics rendering based on the Mu2e GDML. The user has control as to which aspects of Mu2e can be displayed .i.e PS, TS, DS, CRV are optional. The user can also control which data products are displayed. In addition to the 3D display, a 2D projection of the Tracker (in XZ and XY) and Calorimeter (2 disks in XY) is also provided.

Code Structure


Using The Mu2e TEveEventDisplay

The TEveEventDisplay is driven using the ART module "TEveEventDisplay_module." This is an ART Analyzer and can be used in the same was as a regular ART Analyzer.

The User can select which Data Products are displayed and the Instances to display by editing the FCL parameters which are input to the Collection Filler. These are listed with default values in the TEveEventDisplay prolog.fcl. The base instances is:

TEveEventDisplayBase : {

   module_type : TEveEventDisplay
   accumulate : false
   showCRV : false
   showBuilding : false  
   showDSOnly : true 
   showEvent : true
   isMCOnly : false
   filler : {
     ComboHitCollection 		    : "makeSH"
     CrvRecoPulseCollection	  :  "CrvRecoPulses"
     CosmicTrackSeedCollection :  NULL
     CaloClusterCollection		  :  "CaloClusterMaker"
     CaloHitCollection  :  NULL
     HelixSeedCollection       :  "HelixFinderDe:Negative"
     KalSeedCollection         :  ["KFFDeM"]
     TrkExtTrajCollection      : NULL
     MCTrajectoryCollection    :  "compressDigiMCs"
     addHits 			            : true
     addTracks 			          : true
     addCrvHits			          : true
     addCosmicSeedFit	        : false
     addClusters			          : true
     addTrkExtTrajs		        : false
     addMCTraj				          : true 
 particles :   [11,13,2212,2112,211,22,212]

Examples of The Mu2e TEveEventDisplay

