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This page provides documentation on the simulation infrastructure for the MDC2020 era of the Mu2e code base.


  • Mu2e/Production contains the code a user will use to generate a primary physics process, digitize the output and reconstruct the hits, timecluster, tracks,clusters etc.

Simulation Workflow

Several new generators and workflows have been implemented for MDC2020.

Stopped Particles

In order to make a set of daughter particles, e.g. decay in orbit electrons, the user needs a list of "stopped particles" these could be stopped muons or pions (or other) at either the stopping target or Inner Proton Absorber (IPA), at present these are the only stopping locations available.

These stopped particles must be stored within an .art file art and must be created following the MCProdWorkflow

Generating a Primary


Reconstructing tracks from the target

Reconstructing tracks from the IPA

Other Resources

  • GenerateFcl - Learn how to generate a fcl file in preparation for running on the grid.