MDC2024: Mock Data

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MDC 2024: Mock Data samples



DIO tail

The DIO tails is simulated from stopped muons using the SingleProcessGenerator defined in the Offline EventGenerator directory. The DIOGenerator tool is used to provide the correct momentum distribution based on the 5-8 polynomial derived by Czarnecki et al.

A filter called GenFilter is used to remove events unlikely to produce viable events in the reconstruction. The effect of the filter is to improve the time performance by 40%, there is no loss of efficiency.

Two DIO tail samples are included as primaries in two sets of samples for MDC2024: one has a cut at p > 95 MeV/c (a fraction of 3.64e-11 of the entire DIO momentum spectrum) and another has a lower cut, below the trigger threshold, of p > 75 MeV/c (a fraction of 4.19e-7 of the entire DIO spectrum).

In previous simulation studies, DIOs of all momenta are included in the pile-up stream and not as primaries, including them as primaries has the advantage of giving us a large sample of events and therefore increased realism.

Conversion and Conversion Leading Log

CeEndpoints are a standard part of production. The Leading Log camapign includes the leading log corrections calculated by Szfaron. This results in about 10% of electrons being in a lower momentum tail (as opposed to all being at 104.97 MeV/c in the case of the CeEndpoint).





pass 0

The pass 0 samples all include DIO tail events with the 95 MeV/c cut. Two sample sizes are chosen: 1 week livetime and 1 month livetime.

All components except the RPC are included. Two Rmue values are used, one at 1e-13 which is just below the present upper limit (7e-13) and allows around 55 true CE events for the 1 week sample and 222 tru CE for the 1 month livetime (before any selection or reconstruction efficiency is factored in).

The samples available are listed below:

pass 1