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Revision as of 22:34, 13 April 2017 by Rlc (talk | contribs)
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We use the bash lunix shell exclusively for the interactive command line and shell scripting. In general, this is the most powerful shell and the professional's choice.

Setup scripts

  • .bash_profile is executed once when you login.
    • When you first get a mu2e account, you will be given an example which can be left alone
    • It should source a "products/.../" command which defines the PRODUCTS environmental, which allows you to access UPS products.
    • source .bashrc
  • .bashrc
    • When you first get a mu2e account, you will be given an example which would usually be modified
    • set the prompt
    • set any aliases
  • we do not use ".login" or ".profile" which are variants for .bash_profile
  • we do not recommend setting up UPS packages in the bash login scripts since this can get confusing


  • scripts that intended to be executed by the average user at the command line, should be added to the user's path and can be named with no extension, so it looks built-in.
  • scripts that are used in complex packages, or for special purposes, such as in monitoring, should have extension ".sh"
  • scripts intended to be sourced should have the extension ".sh".


The Linux Documentation Project publishes a number of guides that are available online. We suggest: