
From Mu2eWiki
Revision as of 18:07, 6 March 2018 by Rlc (talk | contribs) (→‎v4_10_4)
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So much of the understanding of the performance of mu2e depends on simulation studies that a change in geant version could have far-reaching effects. This page contain a checklist for tests to perform before moving to a new geant. Typically, some tests would be skipped because the expert decides the effort to validate would not be justified for the level of risk.


Started Mar 1, 2018, proposed update to v4_10_4 from v4_10_2_p03e.

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Krzysztof release notes presented
Ray high-stats conversion electrons
Ray high-stats beam stage 1
Ray/Krzysztof CPU time and product sizes
Ray/Andrei stopped muon rates and shape
Rob magnetic field transport
Dave (LBL) tracker charge deposition model and hit resolution
Dave (LBL) tracker background hit rates
Dave (LBL) tracker integrated charge
Dave (LBL) tracker electronics radiation
Bertrand calorimeter resolution
Bertrand calorimeter electronics radiation
Ralf CRV light model
Yuri neutron production rates and transport
Yuri CRV deadtime
Dave (LBL) conversion electron efficiency
Andrei ExtMon
Ralf cosmic background
Bob p-bar background
Andrei beam electron background
Dave (Lou) Pion backgrounds