Running Art Tutorial

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Tutorial Session Goal

In this Tutorial you will learn how to run the Mu2e 'art' framework executable (mu2e), both interactively and on the grid.

Session Prerequisites and Advance Preparation

Session Introduction

Mu2e Offline is a collection of code and scripts used for simulation, reconstruction and analysis of Mu2e data. Offline is kept in a git repository. It depends on external software provided through cvmfs (Cern virtual machine file system). Users interact with Offline in several ways, with more or less of the code resident in your local working area. Art is a software framework for running modular code with lots of run-time configurability. Art is controlled by scripts in a dedicated configuration language called fhicl (.fcl suffix).

This tutorial will cover creating the local environment to work with Offline, how to build and run several different kinds of art jobs, and how to use the mu2e job tools to divide large projects into many separate jobs, and how to run those jobs in parallel on Fermigrid or the OSG (open science grid).


NB: these are just suggestions, please add/remove/edit as you see fit. Link these to actual exercises

  • test docker using some standard containers (helloworld, bash, ...)
  • start an interactive docker session using the tutorial container, and explore the structure of Offline
  • run the mu2e executable directly from the release in the tutorial container
  • create a satellite release on top of the tutorial release
  • edit some configuration in your satellite to change the art behavior: debug-config, print, etc
  • create a partial-checkout release of a single package from Offline
    • compile and link the package and rerun the mu2e app
  • Explore the JobConfig scripts for various kinds of mu2e production jobs
  • Run some simple production jobs
    • Primary Particle generation and simulation
    • Mixing
    • reconstruction
  • setup and run generateFcl to prepare for grid running
  • run mu2eProdSys --dryrun

Reference Materials

  • art workbook
  • various DocDBs that reference production, satellite release, partial checkout, etc.