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Encrypting and decrypting closed ensemble data

RSA public/private key pair was created on the Fermilab machines in the mu2epro account using

 gpg --gen-key

The public key id is 6827CEA8 and the private key id is C8268954. The recipient was set to "Richie Bonventre <>", and the private key was password protected with the default mu2e docdb password.

The private key was exported using

 gpg --export-secret-keys C8268954 > mu2eSecretKey.asc

Afterwards, the secret key was deleted from the keyring using

 gpg --delete-secret-key C8268954

The public key remains and so any file can be encrypted from the mu2epro account using

 gpg --output myfile.enc --encrypt --recipient 6827CEA8 myfile

The file mu2eSecretKey.asc has been saved on several usb drives. To decrypt the files, copy mu2ePrivateKey.asc to a fermilab machine, then:

 gpg --import --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring temporary mu2eSecretKey.asc
 gpg --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring temporary --trust-model always --output myfile --decrypt myfile.enc
 rm ~/.gnupg/temporary