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MDC2020 is an end-to-end production using updated geometry, detector simulations, persistent schema, and simulation workflows compared to MDC2018. The goal is to provide a reasonably complete and accurate model of what Mu2e will record during commissioning and first running period ('Run 1', add reference), including OnSpill, OffSpill, and Extracted Position samples. The primary intended use case of these samples are:

  • Detector calibration and alignment, including cross-system (ie CRV to Calo) calibrations
  • Detector commissioning
  • Trigger algorithm testing and development
  • TDAQ to Offline data transfer workflows
  • Offline reconstruction algorithm development
  • Science extraction framework and algorithm development

Detector Geometry

The detector geometry and material configuration used in MDC2020 is documented in X (add reference). A brief description of the major features is included below.

Simulation Workflow

The workflow used for MDC2020 is shown below.