EVE-7 Event Display
EVE-7, officially known as REve, is an update of TEve, the popular ROOT-based event visualization framework. Design of EVE-7 was also informed by the HEP Software Foundation Community White Paper on Visualization.
EVE-7 has been written with CMS in Run-3 and the ROOT-7 era in mind:
- References: “EVE-7 and FireworksWeb: The next generation event visualization tools for ROOT and CMS” by Matevž Tadel et al.
Modernize the code with modern c++.
- This will have new web server client implementation. Allowing remote access, making it useful for Online/data taking.
- In additon, this alleviates the problem of the aging ROOT GUI infrastructure as Web-based technologies are platform independent by its own nature. Supports remote interactive graphics and visualization services
Proposal to use Eve-7 for Mu2e presented at last CM: Mu2e doc db 35612
Code Stucture
The Eve-7 Mu2e code is much simpler than the TEve version since many features are built-in so we don't have to build all the infrastructure ourselves. Therefore the number of files written and the overall file sizes is much smaller:
A simplistic demo was built in order to prototype the development level code. Users can test drive the demo here: https://github.com/sophiemiddleton/OnlineDevelopment
Using the Eve-7 Mu2e Display
The Eve-7 display is available on the Mu2e DAQ machines
Examples of the Eve-7 Mu2e Display
A CeEndpoint displayed in the Mu2e Eve-7 display. This display is currently under development and several features are still being adapted.
To zoom in on a given 2D projection select ``View" and select from the drop down menu:
- Paper: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1832138
- Tutorials: https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/dir_bd8aee942c685c4dad598f793ddc03e2.html