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  • Introduction of STM

The Mu2e experiment will search for the Beyond Standard Model, Charged Lapton Flavor Violation(CLFV) processes in the muon capture [math]\displaystyle{ \mu^-Al\rightarrow e^-Al }[/math] process with a single event sensitivity, [math]\displaystyle{ R_{\mu e} = \frac{Neutrinoless\ \mu\ to\ e\ conversion\ (CLVF)}{All\ \mu\ captured\ at\ the\ Al\ stopping\ target } }[/math] or [math]\displaystyle{ R_{\mu e} = \frac{\varGamma (\mu^- + A(Z,N) \rightarrow e^- + A(Z,N)) }{\varGamma(\mu^- + A(Z,N) \rightarrow \nu _\mu + A(Z-1,N) ) } }[/math], at ~[math]\displaystyle{ ~10^{-17} }[/math], surpassing the current world's limit (~[math]\displaystyle{ ~10^{-13} }[/math]) by 10000 times.

To report a reliable result, the number of stopped muons will be normalized to 10% precision utilizing 3 transitions.

1) 347 keV, 2p-1s X-ray, 79.8% of muon stops. X-rays emitted when the muon comes to rest in the Stopping Target and is captured into atomic orbit (atomic capture). They are prompt signals with O(ps).

2)1809 keV gamma-ray, 51% of muon nuclear capture after muon stops. 61% of stopped muons are captured by the nuclei. These exhibit timing characteristics of the muonic lifetime ([math]\displaystyle{ \tau = 864 ns }[/math]).

3)844 keV gamma-ray 9.3% of muon nuclear capture after muon stops. The process leading to its emission is [math]\displaystyle{ \mu^- + ^{27}Al\rightarrow \nu _\mu + ^{27}Mg }[/math]. [math]\displaystyle{ ^{27}Mg }[/math] has a lifetime of 13.6 minutes. This line is appealing because of its time characteristics because it can be measured in the low background time during 1 second beam-off period in the 1.4 second main injector/recycler ring cycle.

Introduction of STM signals, X rays (347 keV )and gamma rays (844 keV and 1809 keV).
  • Position of STM
Position of STM in the Mu2e Hall.
  • STM Detectors
Two STM detectors in the STM Shielding House, the HPGe detector and the LaBr3 detector.

Two detectors are used to measure the X rays and gamma rays generated by the stopped muons. One of them, the LaBr3 detector, is capable of high rate operation up to and above 800 kcps with energy resolution 0.7%. The other, the HPGe detector is capable of energy resolution of 0.1%, however its rate capability is limited to ∼70 kcps.

The plots of STM detectors in the shielding house can be found in the link below. [[ | Link to validation plots of STM in the Mu2e Offline ]]

Details of the detector geometries and materials can be found in docdb-49130. Details of the detector resolution can be found in docdb-36803.