Legacy Access to SL7
As of mid June 2024, all but one of our interactive machines has been upgraded to the AL9 operating system. All new development work should be done natively on AL9.
If you need to work with SL7 builds, you can do so in an apptainer container. You can start the container with the command
You can also run grid jobs using SL7-built code by requesting that jobs run in a SL7 container.
Running a Legacy Musing
- cd to a clean working directory
- /cvmfs/mu2e.opensciencegrid.org/bin/sl7container
- mu2einit
- muse setup SimJob MDC2020ag (for example)
- mu2e -c your_file.fcl
Do NOT run mu2einit before starting the container. Doing so will define these two environment variables that will be inherited by the shell inside the container and confuse downstream scripts:
Building Code
- cd to a clean working directory
- /cvmfs/mu2e.opensciencegrid.org/bin/sl7container
- git the required git repositories. If needed:
- cd into repos and git checkout the correct SHA/tag
- cd back to the Muse working directory
- mu2einit
- Optional add a backing musing:
- muse backing SimJob MDC2020ag (for example)
- muse setup
- muse build -j N
- mu2e -c your_file.fcl
If you need to build Offline, you may use the machine mu2ebuild02 and use up to -j 32.
Running Grid Jobs on SL7
To tell mu2eprodsys to run your job in an SL7 container, add the following argument to your mu2eprodsys command line: