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The Mu2e EventNtuple is a data format that analyzers can use for their analysis. The advantages of using these over the art files are that:

  • file sizes are smaller, and
  • they can be accessed directly with ROOT and python


Documentation is maintained on the GitHub page here

Version History & Musings

Version Release Notes Musing Available? muse backings muse stub notes
v06_01_00 v06_01_00 not yet TBC TBC
v06_00_00 v06_00_00 yes SimJob MDC2020aj (Production v00_26_00, mu2e_trig_config v3_05_00) --> Offline v10_34_00 al9-prof-e28-p062

For versions before v06 see TrkAna#Version_History_.2F_TrkAna_Musings here