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Rucio database mu2e_rucio_dev Host: ifdb07 (ifdbdev) Port: 5466 mu2e_rucio_prod Host: ifdb08 Port: 5466

mu2e_dm_prod Host: ifdb11 Port: 5465 - metacat and data dispatcher database

mu2e_dev (host: cdpgsdev-rh9 port: 5444) - this is the change control db that Hank Glass maintains mu2e_prd (host: cdpgsprd-rh9, port 5444)

mu2e_ucon_prod - created 11/2021 to help with MDC2020

  • database mu2e_ucon_prod owned by nologin role mu2e_ucon_prod;
  • Kerberos-authenticated roles: brownd kutschke srsoleti
  • md5 authenticated role 'mu2e_ucon_web' (for POMS)
  • port is 5458 on ifdb11/ifdb12 - not cached, external and internal access - not cached, internal access only - cached, external and internal access - cached, internal access only

mu2e_ucon_dev - believed obsolete and deleted 4/2021

mu2e_conditions_prd 5448 on ifdb08 - Offline conditions database mu2e_conditions_dev 5444 on ifdb10

mu2e_ecl_prd - For the electronic log book

mu2e_cal_ecl_prd - it looks like the cal people made their own electronic log book instead of defining topics in the mu2e elog

sam_mu2e_prd - Our SAM database

ci_mu2e_dev - Continuous integration results. Used in 2018 for a prototype, currently not in use.

mu2e_hardware_dev, mu2e_hardware_prd - CRV hardware db

mu2e_tracker_prd (ifdb11, port 5459) - tracker QA, Andy Edmonds and Nam Tran

mu2e_dqm_prd (ifdb11 port 5459) - Offline DQM timeline results

The following are part of the mu2e-dcs-01 online postgres cluster. These are all replicated to an offline instance

dcs_archive - EPICS archive

rdm - Raw Data Mover scratch status database

prototype_run_info - run conditions