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Generators are art modules which produce the first particle in a simulation job.


This generator creates a proton approaching the proton target. You can set the width of the beam, and offset it for systematic studies.

Since each generated event is a proton on target, normalization can be done by simple counting events, equal to the number of protons on target.

Examples of configurations are under the JobConfig directory of Offline.

It is difficult to generate a billionth of the full luminosity.


This generator creates a cosmic ray approaching the detector. If the generator is the "Daya Bay" generator, then only one particle, a muon, is generated per event. The CRY generator allows multiple correlated particles per event, of several species, simulating an atmospheric shower. Example configurations are under the JobConfig directory of Offline.

The cosmic ray phase space is specified by a horizontal or vertical plane with limited extent. There also may be angle and momentum restrictions.

The Daya Bay generator will print an integral at the start of the job:

Total cosmic rate = 93510.8 Hz

This tells you how much time you have simulated: Ngen/rate=time.

It is not too hard to generate a comics sample corresponding to the full run of mu2e.

Stopped Particles

This generator starts with a list of stopped particle positions, usually in a ntuple made in a earlier job. Each event starts with reading in a stopped particle position. The stopped particle is decayed. Usually the decay mode and daughters are specified. The decay model can be specified. A common choice would be to generate DIO decays of stopped muons. Another common request is to produce a given spectrum of soft photons, or other particles, as would be expected from stopped muon capture. For soe studies stopped pions may be simulated.

Here is a an example stanza for the SimpleConfig for DIO decays

physics.producers.generate.physics: {
    pdgId : 11
    spectrumShape: Czarnecki
    spectrumVariable: totalEnergy
    elow: 1.  // MeV
    spectrumResolution: 0.1 // MeV

Normalization would have to be based on the jobs that produced the stopped particle list.

Particle guns
