This page discusses a system called satellite builds or satellite releases that is used to support the following two use cases:
- You want to develop a new study for which you will create a few new art modules and, perhaps, a few classes and functions that are used by these modules; then you will run an instance of Mu2e Offline that uses your new module. Your new code may build against Mu2e Offline but no code in Mu2e Offline may build against your new files.
- You want to develop modifications to a small part of Mu2e Offline. You would like to rebuild only the parts of Mu2e Offline that you modify, plus all of the parts that depend on your modifications.
In both cases it is convenient to be able to build just your new code without having to clone and build the entirety of Mu2e Offline. Compared to building all of Mu2e Offline, the conveniences are:
- Each build is faster, particularly the first build.
- Your working area will occupy much less disk space.
- Your working space is not littered with files that are not relevant to the task at hand.
This page will discuss the "satellite release" feature of Offline that are designed to support these use cases.
Warning: When you are building only part of an Offline release it is possible to create an inconsistent build. The most common case is that you have modified an include file in the satellite release, and rebuilt the code in the satellite release, but you forgot that something in the base release is compiled with an old version of the include file. This will cause unpredictable but very bad code behavior, often seg faults. Currently the only protection is that you understand this when modifying any include files in the satellite release area.
Choosing a Base Release
Note for right now, (11/20/17), no cvmfs releases follow this satellite release creation pattern, only the head. See below for the older instructions.
The first step is to choose a base release against which you will build your satellite release; a base release is any complete build of Mu2e Offline. If you are running on a machine that sees the mu2e cvmfs file system, you will normally choose the most recent release of Mu2e Offline on cvmfs.
ls -l /cvmfs/
You also need to learn the operating system on which you are running. At this writing (Nov 2017) all of the mu2egpvm01-05 and mu2ebuild01 machines run SL6 and mu2egpvm06 is SL7. If you are on another machine you can learn which SLF version you are using by:
cat /etc/redhat-release
Finally, you need to decide if you want to use a prof or debug build.
At this writing the:
The following uses the above base release as an example.
You may use any complete build of Mu2e Offline as a base release. For example, if you cloned Mu2e Offline into:
and built it, then you can use it as a base release.
Using satellite releases
To create a satellite release, start with the mu2e setps:
source /cvmfs/ setup mu2e cd your_working_dir
Run the script to create the satellite release
Note that you are running the create script in the base release that you chose. All the properties such as prof or debug, will be derived from the base release.
A subdirectory called Satellite will be created and a few files added to it. (You can use another name by specifying the --directory switch.) cd to the satellite area:
cd Satellite
Setup the satellite release:
The satellite release setup will add the satellite area to the front of your paths. This allows you to build libraries in this area and put fcl, geometry or other config files here, and they will be accessed ahead of the base release.
Adding content and building
At this point the satellite area is empty of any code so you need ot add the code of interest. Here is an example, copying from the base release:
cp -r $MU2E_BASE_RELEASE/CRVAnalysis .
Once you build the or here is an example module, for starting from scratch:
git clone temp mv temp/Example . rm -r temp
Once you have content, you can build:
scons -j 4
Since the satellite area is at the front of the path, libraries built here will be loaded ahead of libraries with the same name in the base release. The same applies to config files such as geometries.
If you log back in you only run the satellite setups:
source /cvmfs/ setup mu2e cd your_working_dir/Satellite source
Changing base release
If you need to switch between base releases, for example to switch between prof and debug, you can "recreate" the satellite area. You will need to run the satellite setup (or re-setup) first, then run the create script from the new release, adding the recreate switch.
cd your_working_dir source Satellite/ /cvmfs/ --recreate
Note that in recreating, the script will cd into the Satellite subdirectory to adjust the files. You could also equivalently:
cd your_working_dir/Satellite source /cvmfs/ --recreate --directory=.
if that seems more logical to you.
This procedure will run the scons cleaning procedure (scons -c) as well as changing the pointers to the base release. It will not delete the source code.
Note: After running recreate, you must log off and back in, and re-setup the new in order to get the correct new environment.
Quick Start - v6_3_2 or earlier
This section gives an cookbook example of creating, building and running a satellite release that will work on any of the mu2egpvm* machines. These instructions work only for version of Mu2e Offline v5_7_7 and higher.
The example below:
- uses a git repository that contains one module, an SConscript file and a fcl file to run it.
- builds against a base release of Offline v5_7_7 built for SLF6 with the prof qualifier.
- Start a new terminal window.
- Choose a clean working directory. Either your home directory or /mu2e/app/users will work:
mkdir ~/satellite-test cd ~/satellite-test
This example shows how to work in your home directory. If you wish to submit grid jobs from this directory, you should put this directory in your space on /mu2e/app/users/<username>.
- Clone the satellite release code and cd into it
git clone satellite cd satellite
This created four files:
.gitignore Example/fcl/printGens.fcl Example/src/ Example/src/SConscript
This code+fcl will print the content of a GenParticleCollection data product with the input tag "generate".
- Setup the Mu2e environment:
setup mu2e
- Create the satellite release management files. This example shows how to use Offline version v5_7_7 as base release. If you wish to use a different base release, run the bin/createSatelliteRelease script from that base release:
If you get a message asking you if you want to continue or abort, see the full description below.
- The previous step created one new file and two new symlinks in the current directory:
ls -la ( files you have seen before removed ) lrwxrwxrwx 1 kutschke 3000 75 Jul 11 16:01 SConstruct -> /cvmfs/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 kutschke 3000 54 Jul 11 16:01 out -> /mu2e/data/users/kutschke/satellite-test/satellite/out -rw-rw-r-- 1 kutschke 3000 446 Jul 11 16:01
If the base release contains a .buildopts file, this step will also create a symlink in the current to directory to that .buildopts file.
- If in step 4 you chose to use a version of Mu2e Offline numbered v6_0_0 or greater, you can skip this step. (this includes the g4v10_validation_* releases). If you are using an release of Mu2e Offline between v5_7_7 and v5_7_9, inclusive, do the following:
git checkout -b work v5_7_7
In this step you are checking out a version of the example code that is matched to these releases of Mu2e Offline.
- Setup this satellite release.
- Build and run the example
scons -j 4 mu2e -c Example/fcl/printGens.fcl -n 10 \ -s /pnfs/mu2e/tape/phy-sim/sim/mu2e/cd3-beam-g4s4-detconversion/v566/1d/ab/
- Steps 3 and 4 are independent and can be done in either order.
- You can run the createSatelliteRelease script on an empty directory and create code by hand; remember to provide an SConscript file.
Creating a Satellite Release - v6_3_2 or earlier
On any of the mu2egpvm machines, you create a satellite release as follows:
setup mu2e /cvmfs/
Note that the location of the script is in "bin/createSatelliteRelease" relative to the base release chosen in the previous section. This script will create the following files:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 kutschke mu2e 75 Jul 10 17:03 SConstruct -> /cvmfs/ lrwxrwxrwx 1 kutschke mu2e 54 Jul 10 17:03 out -> /mu2e/data/users/kutschke/Development/Tutorial/t01/out -rw-rw-r-- 1 kutschke mu2e 446 Jul 10 17:03
If the base release contains a .buildopts file, the satellite release directory will also contain a symbolic link to that .buildopts file. A discussion of these files follows shortly.
To use the satellite release there is one more step:
Look at the file. You will see that it sources the setup script from the base release and then adds the local bin and lib directories to the relevant path variables (it's OK that these directories do not yet exist). SConstruct and, if present, .buildopts, are the rules to build your code; this configuration says to use the same rules as those found in the base release.
You should put all output files, such as event-data files, root files and log files in the out subdirectory. One of the rules for using Mu2e disks is that code disks, such as /mu2e/app, should contain only source code and binaries built from that source code. You may not put output files such as event-data files, root files, log files on code disks; it's also not a good idea to put them on your home disk. They belong on a data disk such as /mu2e/data/users /pnfs/mu2e/scratch/users.
To facilitate this, the createSatelliteRelease script creates an output directory in your disk space on /mu2e/data/users and makes a symbolic link from the current working directory to that output directory. The algorithm for choosing the name of the working directory tries to be smart enough so that that you can have many satellite releases on /mu2e/app and each will have a uniquely named output directory.
If that directory already exists, you will see this message:
The output directory already exists: /mu2e/data/users/kutschke/satellite-test/satellite/out You have two choices: 1) Continue: be aware that new output files may overwrite old files 2) Abort this script: you can mv or rm that directory and rerun this script Enter c to continue anything else to abort:
If you are comfortable reusing this directory, then type c and return; createSatelliteRelease will complete its work and will make a symlink named "out" that points to this directory. If you are not comfortable reusing this directory, then type any character except c, and return. This check is made before createSatelliteRelease creates any files. At this time you can take whatever action is necessary to resolve the situation, perhaps renaming the output directory. Then rerun createSatelliteRelease.
If you wish to put output files on a disk other than /mu2e/data, you can specify a new disk with the environment variable MU2E_DATA_USERS. If the createSatelliteRelease script cannot see the designated data disk, it will simply make a directory named out in the local working directory.
Logging in again - v6_3_2 or earlier
When you log out and log in again, you do not need to recreate the satellite release. You need only:
setup mu2e source
Safety Features in createSatelliteRelease - v6_3_2 or earlier
createSatelliteRelease has the following safety features
- If the environment variable MU2E_BASE_RELEASE exists and if it points to any directory other than the requested base release, then an informational message is printed and the script exits. If the environment variable points to the requested base release, the script continues normally. The script is not smart enough to deal with different logical paths that evaluate to the same physical path.
- If any of the files SConstruct, .buildopts, or exists, then createSatelliteRelease will print an informational message and exit.
- If the output directory already exists, createSatelliteRelease will notify you and prompt to ask if you wish to continue or abort. If you continue the directory will not be modified. However you should be aware that any new files you create may overwrite files that you wrote previously.
Naming of .so Files - v6_3_2 or earlier
In Offline v5_7_7 and earlier, the build system decorates module .so filenames differently depending on whether they were made as part of a base release or as part of a satellite release. In a base release, .so filenames start with "libmu2e_"; in a satellite release they start with "libmu2euser_". Starting on the evening of July 20, the scripts at the HEAD of the git master branch decorate both satellite release and base release .so files with "libmu2e_".
Cleaning a Satellite Release - v6_3_2 or earlier
If you want to disassociate your satellite release from its base release, use the command:
This command will be in your path once you have:
setup mu2e source
When you run cleanSatelliteRelease it will do the following, prompting you before each step:
- scons -c
- Remove any of the following files that are present:, SConstruct, .sconsign.dblite, .buildopts.
It does not touch the symbolic link ( or subdirectory ) out. The lib directory remains but will be empty.
You can then connect it to a new base release by:
Log out Log in again cd to the working directory setup mu2e /path/to/a/new/base/release/bin/createSatelliteRelease