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In Mu2e it will eventually be necessary to maintain a database of "calibration constants". This will include information like the measuured corrections to the nominal geometry, the gas gain in straws, the time-space relationship for the straws, the gain of the photosensors, the calibration curve for ADC's and so on. This sort of data was traditionally referred to as "calibration constants" or, simply, as "constants".

Many of the calibration constants, however, are actually time dependent, which leads to the tired joke that "constants aren't". In the interests of ridding the field of bad jokes, modern usage is that this sort of data is known as "conditions data".

  • Art interface:
    • art talk on a db interface.
    • csv_qe_api query_engine wrapper and generic table (`upd list -aK+ csv_qe_api`)
  • ConDB - urls access to REST server
  • query_engine wiki - a generic query db url/REST interface
  • Web Data Access (wda) also a product
    • a thin layer that does what??
  • product nutools - contains nova generic table