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Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran
Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran
===CRY3: resampling method 2019===
Created from dataset sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample.cry-rs1-1019.art by resampling procedure docdb-29112.
Created from dataset sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample.cry-rs1-1019.art by resampling procedure docdb-29112.
* Offline version: v7_5_7
* Offline version: v7_5_7

Revision as of 13:44, 28 May 2020


This page is an attempt to record the datasets created and uploaded by "production". These are semi-permanent datasets that were created for the collaboration as a whole. It is nearly impossible to maintain dataset information perfectly when any datasets can become invalidated in various ways, or completely obsolete, at any time, for many reasons. Please do not use any datasets without consulting experts in these datasets - that's still the best way to be sure you are using the right dataset.

To print lists of datasets that are known to SAM - all or optionally with restrictions (see -h).

setup mu2efiletools

To see the files in a dataset with full file paths:

mu2eDatasetFileList dataset_name_here >& fcllist.txt

See also Workflows, FileTools and SAM.



See TDRDatasets


See background group.


This sample of stage 1 beam simulation was generated in May 2017 to answer questions about CRV shielding. Default geometry. This sample is standard enough that it could be of use to other groups. Goals of this effort:

  • Rates and dead-time with improved precision
  • Sources of coincidences from neutrons and gammas
  • Improved shielding and CRV geometry to mitigate rates and to increase CRV coverage (geometry changed in later stages)

The standard cd3 beam stage 1 fcl was modified to only write out the dsregion and mubeam datasets. Run in v6_2_1. See 8627 and 7040. Expert: Yuri Oksuzian.

  • 500K jobs of 10K POT, total 5e9 POT
  • cnf.mu2e.cd3-beam-g4s1.051017.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.cd3-beam-g4s1cat-mubeam.051017.art (concatenated 20-to-1, uploaded)
  • sim.mu2e.cd3-beam-g4s1cat-dsregion.051017.art (concatenated 20-to-1, uploaded)

geant4 v10 test samples

Run 11/2016 to 2/2017 to test geant4 v10. See doc-9336 doc-9624 doc-9402 doc-9139 doc-8357. For dataset details, see GeantV10Test. Expert: Ray Culbertson and Yuri Oksuzian.


A dataset to replace cd3 background frames and signal samples, largely driven by changes in tracker and target geometry.



The samples were produced on Bebop using 750k CPU hours

  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-dsregion.0619.art
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-mubeam.0619.art
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-truncated.0619.art
  • bck.mu2e.beams1phase1.0619.tbz

Each file corresponds to 1E5 POT, and the total samples POT is equal to 3.298E8. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-26541. This version of geant4 includes a bug in Kaon cross-sections.

  • G4 version: v4_10_4_p02a
  • CLHEP version: v2_3_4_6
  • ART version: v2_12_01
  • Offline version: v7_4_1

Expert: Yuri Oksuzian.


The samples were produced on Bebop using ~250k CPU hours

  • cnf.mu2e.beams1-g4-10-5.0919.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-dsregion.g4-10-5.art
    • File count: 2160
    • Total size: 114,348,861,373
    • Event count: 55,462,720
    • Trigger rate: 64%
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-mubeam.g4-10-5.art
    • File count: 2160
    • Total size: 56,514,622,485
    • Event count: 18,340,970
    • Trigger rate: 21.2%
  • bck.mu2e.beams1-g4-10-5.g4-10-5.tbz

Each file corresponds to 4E4 POT, and the total samples POT is equal to 0.864E8. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-26541.

Truncated files are empty and can recovered from the archive.

  • G4 version: v4_10_5_p01a
  • CLHEP version: v2_4_1_2
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Offline version: v7_5_4

Expert: Yuri Oksuzian.


The samples were produced on Bebop using ~250k CPU hours

  • cnf.mu2e.beams1phase1.v0619.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-dsregion.g4-10-4.art
    • File count: 960
    • Total size: 124,602,399,046
    • Event count: 61701227
    • Trigger rate: 64.3%
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-mubeam.g4-10-4.art
    • File count: 960
    • Total size: 56,681,687,449
    • Event count: 19030020
    • Trigger rate: 19.8%
  • bck.mu2e.beams1phase1.g4-10-4.tbz
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-truncated.g4-10-4-cat.art

Each file corresponds to 1E5 POT, and the total samples POT is equal to 0.96E8. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-26541.

  • G4 version: v4_10_4_p03b
  • CLHEP version: v2_4_1_2
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Offline version: v7_5_4


The samples were produced on Bebop and Theta using LCRC,ALCC resources

  • cnf.mu2e.beams1-g4-10-5.0919.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-dsregion.beams1-g4-10-5-alcc.art
    • File count: 14466
    • Total size: 758,659,292,452
    • Event count: 371,088,115
    • Trigger rate: 64.1%
  • sim.mu2e.beam-g4s1-mubeam.beams1-g4-10-5-alcc.art
    • File count: 14466
    • Total size: 300,280,017,684
    • Event count: 102,389,354
    • Trigger rate: 17.7%
  • bck.mu2e.beams1-g4-10-5.g4-10-5.tbz

Each file corresponds to 4E4 POT, and the total samples POT is equal to 5.8E8. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-26541.

Truncated files are empty and can be recovered from the archive.

  • G4 version: v4_10_5_p01a
  • CLHEP version: v2_4_1_2
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Offline version: alcc2019_v757

Expert: Yuri Oksuzian.


MDC2020Dev a development sample is available to test certain updates, and as input to nightly reco validation.

SU2020 : Datasets for '2020 sensitivity updates

SU2020 dataset page


Calibration Cosmic Test Sample

Calibration cosmics are events taken with a simulated trigger intended to collect all cosmics that hit a detector, for use in calibration studies. The digis for trk and cal are written out, as well as the StepPointMC's for CRV (the CRV product is being updated, so we did not write here). The code used was built locally and not tagged, thought it was eventually committed. v6_5_2 should read it OK. Expert: Ray Culbertson

3/2018, three samples were generated, 1M events generated for each then some filtering.

  • ext - detector extracted to +14m in z
    • Bfield is on but the default maps do not reach that far, so Bfield appears off
    • trigger on trk OR cal
    • Dataset: sim.mu2e.cosmic_calib_ext.180302.art
    • geometry: Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common_garage.txt (mods to Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common_current.txt)
    • Total cosmic rate = 1989.85 Hz for 1M events = 502s livetime
  • ins - detect in normal inserted position
    • Bfield on
    • trigger on trk OR cal
    • Dataset: sim.mu2e.cosmic_calib_ins.180302.art
    • geometry: Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common.txt (->Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common_cd3_s4p2.txt)
    • Total cosmic rate = 1989.85 Hz for 1M events = 502s livetime
  • crv - detect in normal inserted position
    • Bfield on
    • trigger on CRV hits
    • Dataset: sim.mu2e.cosmic_calib_crv.180302.art
    • geometry: Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common.txt (->Mu2eG4/geom/geom_common_cd3_s4p2.txt)
    • Total cosmic rate = 23010.7 Hz for 1M events = 43s livetime

target6/7 Study

Generated to study how cosmics enter the gap between the CRV top and sides, to help determine the CRV final design. Daya Bay generator. Summary talk 11147. Expert: Ralf Ehrlich.

  • target6 - left (+x) top gap
  • target7 - right (-x) top gap

Stages: same as cd3 processing.

6/2017 full listing

target5 Study

Generated to study cosmic rays that enter the TS hole and produce tracks, and how they can be degraded with new shielding blocks. This follows up on this category of events discovered in CD3 target1. Daya Bay generator. Talk summary 8322. Expert: Ray Culbertson.

The talk shows the various shielding configurations and concludes new shielding would help. Stages:

  • s1 - v579, generate on a plane that is the TS opening, sim to a surface between TS3 and TS5
  • s2 - various branches off of v579, complete sim, reco, require a track 50-200 MeV.

The job were run around 11/2016.

git tag dataset name
v5-7_9 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s1-target5.0901a.art
v5-7_9-cosmic-target5-v2 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s2-target5.1026a_geom1.art
v5-7_9-cosmic-target5-v3 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s2-target5.1104a_geom2.art
v5-7_9-cosmic-target5-v4 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s2-target5.1206a_geom3.art
v5-7_9-cosmic-target5-v5 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s2-target5.1216a_geom4.art
v5-7_9-cosmic-target5-v6 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s2-target5.1208a_geom5.art

Stage1 fcl and archive:


Stage 2 fcl and archive. The geometry was changed by running the same fcl but a different release, defined by the tag and loaded on cvmfs in OfflineSpecial


cd3 background

Produced to determine the cosmic background for CD3 review. Daya Bay generator. Talk summary 7131, memo 3059. Expert: Ralf Ehrlich.

  • general - all cosmics passing through a horizontal surface through detector.
  • target1 - left side, around TS entrance
  • target2 - upstream face
  • target3 - downstream face
  • target4 - cryo hole

Stages (s1-s4 uploaded)

  • s1 - v542, simulate CRV, require 45 MeV of energy on detector volume surface, stop
  • s2 - v566, simulate detectors, require 15 straw hits
  • s3 - v574, reco, require a track 50-200 MeV
  • s4 - v576, require tracks, 100-110 MeV, passing all cuts, PID, no upstream track
  • s5 - v576, reconstruct CRV and make analysis ntuples (not uploaded)

For s1 and s2, there is also a truncated data stream, which is events that overflow the SimParticle list.

date Offline name
5/2016 v576 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s4-general.v542_v566_v574_v576.art
5/2016 v576 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s4-target1.v542_v566_v574_v576.art
5/2016 v576 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s4-target2.v542_v566_v574_v576.art
5/2016 v576 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s4-target3.v542_v566_v574_v576.art
5/2016 v576 sim.mu2e.cd3-cosmic-g4s4-target4.v542_v566_v574_v576.art

There is another page with a full list of these datasets.


A sample of 4.9% of a mu2e live-time with CRY cosmic generator produced around Dec 20, 2018. We assume 1.06E7 sec of Mu2e live-time (needs to be updated). This was produced at the Argonne HPC center, "Bebop" farm. The computing year deadline was approaching so some shortcuts had to be made, and the procedure was not fully in the production scripting. branch =v7_2_0_CRYMT based of Offline tag=v7_2_0 fcl =JobConfig/cosmic/cosmic_defs_s1s2.fclinc. The generator time was set to 0, so the time of the hits needs to be offset to get into the reco window, see GenerateCosmicTimes_module.cc

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran

The following configuration (EventGenerator/defaultConfigs/othersCRYconfig.txt) was used:

CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnMuons to 1
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnNeutrons to 1 
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnProtons to 1 
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnGammas to 1 
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnElectrons to 1
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnPions to 1
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting returnKaons to 1
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting date to 6-21-2021 (month-day-year)
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting latitude to 41.8
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting altitude to 0
CRY::CRYSetup: Setting subboxLength to 30

The production plane of 30x30 meters was centered at the tracker. Generated primaries were projected back to the world volume. The simulation then was initiated from the world volume. The sample was produced using 0.75M (divided by 0.58) CPU hours on Bebop, processing on 32 cores with 8 threads.

The total number of files: 6545*10 There are 2E6 events per file. The total number of events: 6545*10*2E6=1.309E+11 The rate in the generation plane, including non-muons: 281.6 Hz/m2 x 900 m2 = 253440 Hz The total simulated live-time: 1.309E+11/253440 = 516493 sec.

Output datasets:

  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-crygeneral-cat.181220.art (6545 files, 141,614,791 events, 1.9TB)
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-truncated-crygeneral-cat.181220.art (1309 files, 61042 events)

With log file tarballs:

  • bck.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-crygeneral-cat.181220.tbz
  • bck.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-truncated-crygeneral-cat.181220.tbz

Adding digis with mixing:

  • cnf.mu2e.CRY-cosmic-general-mix.MDC2018g.fcl
  • dig.mu2e.CRY-cosmic-general-mix.MDC2018g.art
  • bck.mu2e.CRY-cosmic-general-mix.MDC2018g.tbz


In March 2019, the sample was generated using 1.5M CPU hours on Theta and 1.0M (divided by 0.58) hours on Bebop.

Each file from stage 1 output corresponds to 2.8 sec of live-time. We've generated 468747 files with a total live-time of 1315310 sec. Assuming the total Mu2e live-time of 1.06E7 sec. The total simulated live-time is 12.4% Mu2e's. Live-time values are stored in log files. As with CRY 1 sample, all particle species were simulated.


  • cnf.mu2e.cry.v734.fcl
  • CRY configuration: EventGenerator/defaultConfigs/defaultCRYconfig.txt
  • Tag: v7_3_5
  • fcl: Offline/JobConfig/cosmic/cosmic_s1_general_cryMT_G4internalFilters.fcl

The concatenated datasets:

  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-truncated-cry2general-cat.190320.art sample was concatenated with a factor 1,000
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cry2general-cat.190320.art sample was concatenated with a factor 5

The production plane of 300x300 meters was centered at the tracker and positioned at top of the dirt volume. Generated primaries were projected from the dirt toward the CRV box. Tracks that intersect CRV box were simulated.

The sample description and preliminary analysis are documented in docdb-26890.

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran

CRY stage 1: 10.5-1019

The datasets:

  • Parent: cnf.mu2e.cry_rs1.100619.fcl, based of cosmic_s1_dsstops.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample.cry-rs1-1019.art
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryresample-truncated.g4-10-5-cat.art
  • bck.mu2e.cry_rs1.cry-rs1-1019-g4-10-4.tbz

Each file corresponds to 3E6 simulated events and the live-time of 16.84 sec. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-29112.

  • Offline version: v7_5_4
  • G4 version: v4_10_5_p01a
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Number of files: 20034
  • Number of simulated cosmics: 6.01E+10
  • Events triggered: 9.03E+08
  • Simulated live-time: 3.37E+05 sec
  • CPU hours: 3.28E+05

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran

CRY stage 1: 10.4-1019

The datasets:

  • Parent: cnf.mu2e.cry_rs1.100619.fcl, based of cosmic_s1_dsstops.fcl
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample.cry-rs1-1019-g4-10-4.art
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample-truncated.g4-10-4-cat.art
  • bck.mu2e.cry_rs1.cry-rs1-1019-g4-10-4.tbz

Each file corresponds to 3E6 simulated events and the live-time of 16.84 sec. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-29112.

  • Offline version: v7_5_4
  • G4 version: v4_10_4_p03b
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Number of files: 18519
  • Number of simulated cosmics: 5.56E+10
  • Simulated live-time: 3.12E+05 sec
  • CPU hours: 2.78E+05
  • triggering rate: 1.78%

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran


Created from dataset sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1s2-cryresample.cry-rs1-1019.art by resampling procedure docdb-29112.

  • Offline version: v7_5_7
  • G4 version: v4_10_4_p03b
  • 500,000 resampled events per output file
  • lo sample: events with <14 MeV deposition in CRV
    • 1 resampled event corresponds to 0.01920 sec
  • hi sample: events with >14 MeV deposition in CRV
    • 1 resampled event corresponds to 0.00032 sec
Location SAM files Files MB Events Live-time CPU Mhours Dataset
T 371 371 34,495 17,569,828 3.37E+05 sec negligible sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryfilter-lo.191125.art (Do not use. First stage only: no hits in the tracker or calo)
T 39,930 39,930 2,226,092 205,387,262 3.83E+08 sec 0.3 sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryresample-lo.191125.art
T 79,623 79,623 7,223,949 390,213,276 1.28E+07 sec 0.6 sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryresample-hi.191125.art

Log datasets:

  • bck.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryfilter-lo.191125.tbz
  • bck.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryresample-lo.191125.tbz
  • bck.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-cryresample-hi.191125.tbz

Digitized samples for the year 2025. The following light yield value was used:

  • physics.producers.CrvPhotons.scintillationYield : 11588 //20 PE - beam on light yield in 2025

Each section takes about an hour on FermiGrid

  • Offline version: v09_04_00
Location SAM files Files MB Events Live-time Merging factor Dataset
T 3,993 3,993 649,460 45,300,046 3.83E+08 sec 10 dig.mu2e.CRY-cosmic-general.2025lo.art
T 7,963 7,963 1,908,672 88,664,595 1.28E+07 sec 10 dig.mu2e.CRY-cosmic-general.2025hi.art

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian

CRY stage 1: 10.5-0220

The datasets:

  • Parent: cnf.mu2e.cry_s1_resample.020620.fcl, based of cosmic_s1_dsstops.fcl
  • Geometry: Mu2eG4/geom/geom_CRY_2019_PhaseI.txt
  • sim.mu2e.cosmic-g4s1-dsstops.cry-rs1-0220-g4-10-5.art
  • Log files with truncated stream: bck.mu2e.cry_s1_resample.cry-rs1-0220-g4-10-5.tbz

Each file corresponds to 1E6 simulated events and the live-time of 11.835 sec. The stopping planes were arranged in the configuration described in docdb-29112.

  • Offline git branch: alcc2019 based of v7_5_7
  • G4 version: v4_10_5_p01
  • ART version: v3_03_01
  • Number of files: 58125
  • Size: 11,310,236,341,478
  • Number of events: 2,495,733,817
  • Simulated live-time: 6.88E5 sec
  • CPU hours: 2.85E+06
  • triggering rate: 4.3%

Experts: Yuri Oksuzian, Lisa Goodenough, Nam Tran



Bernstein Study

9/2017 generating antiprotons in the primary target, flat in energy and phase space. head of branch pbarAnalysis, from head after v6_2_3, on Aug 25 15:22, hash 2ce1246d3d7833bcdd8fcf38bcea3ab6f3255755. 100K jobs x 500K pbars, first NERSC production - docker image mu2e/prd:pbar-00. generate and sim to the upstream side of TS1 pbar window. Production: Ray Culbertson, Physics: Bob Bernstein.

  • fcl dataset: cnf.rhbob.NERSCprod1.pbarAnalysis_0_1.fcl
  • Concatenated dataset (485 files, 177637185 events): sim.mu2e.antiprotons_cs1VD91.170829.art
  • logs and TFileService: bck.mu2e.NERSCprod1.170829.tbz

2019 Bernstein Study

Code has been rewritten to streamline the procedure, and the sample is regenerated.

Stage 0 generates protons on target, traces them through all target interactions, then stops the simulation, saving only particles that could have produces a pbar when interacting. sim.mu2e.masterPbarVertices.v0.000.art

The first interaction in the target is selected as a pbar production point and a pbar is generated random in direction angle, and with momentum flat from X to Y. The pbar is not propagated. The output is a file with the vertices and pbars now produces an art file which contains pbars in the production target.