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Full Release Notes

Offline version 6 and earlier notes

Offline version 7 notes

Tag Summary

Tag Date Comment
v7_5_4 08/09/2019 Tag for MARS based studies of heat and radiation loads, primarily in the muon beamline.
v7_5_3 07/21/2019 Upgrade to v3_03_01.
v7_5_2 07/18/2019 Last commit with art v3_03_00. Not on /cvmfs.
v7_5_1 07/13/2019 Small bug fixes that were missed in the merge to make v7_5_0. First release on /cvmfs with art v3.
v7_5_0 07/13/2019 Tag first commit built with art v3; also patch upgrade on G4. Merged branch art_v3.
v7_4_2 07/11/2019 Tag of the last commit built using art v2
v7_4_1 06/10/2019 CRV BG study with descope, many other updates
v7_4_0 05/05/2019 Reconstruction production support
v7_3_6 04/22/2019 Last tag before removal of directories CalPatRec/attic/, Legacy/, mucapture/
v7_3_5 03/19/2019 second release candidate for 3/2019 CRY processing
v7_3_4 03/17/2019 art v2_12_01; first release candidate for 3/2019 CRY processing (CRY updates plus many others).
v7_3_3 02/27/2019 tag before art v2_12_01 (not built)
v7_3_2 02/18/2019 tag before TTracker->Tracker (not built)
v7_3_1 02/11/2019 tag before Proditions service merged (not built)
v7_3_0 01/31/2019 art v2_12_00 (shuffling input module)
v7_2_2 01/23/2019 CRV sim light model memory reduced, geometry updates, new physics lists
v7_2_1 12/21/2018 updates to physics process generators, CRY, trigger filters and CalPatRec
v7_2_0 11/21/2018 art v2_11_05, --std=c++17, geant volume range cuts
v7_1_5 11/16/2018 add code for MDC2018
v7_1_4 10/8/2018 add code for MDC2018
v7_1_3 10/1/2018 add code for MDC2018
v7_1_2a 09/21/2018 art v2_11_01 on a branch. fixes one provenance problem, one may still exist
v7_1_2 09/20/2018 bug fixes for MDC2018 mixing production
v7_1_1 08/24/2018 small fixes for MDC2018 production
v7_1_0 08/22/2018 first tag after merge of MDC2018 branch
v6_5_7 08/21/2018 last tag on master before MDC2018 merge - not used, will be deleted
v7_0_8 08/22/2018 last tag on MDC2018 branch before merging back into master (not built)
v7_0_7 08/20/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 small fixes - not used, will be deleted
v7_0_6 08/20/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 with fixes for compression
v7_0_5 08/09/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 mixing jobs with fixed calo disks. Merged Geant MT code.
v7_0_4 07/12/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 flash cut jobs
v7_0_3 06/19/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 CRV concatenation via mixing
v7_0_2 06/13/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 stage 4 flash
v7_0_1 05/31/2018 built from MDC2018 branch, for MDC2018 PS,DS,DS, and stage 4 (non-flash) jobs
v7_0_0 05/18/2018 test release for MDC 2018, built from branch, cannot read cd3 files
v6_5_6 04/25/2018 last release of master for cd3 defaults, MDC2018 with breaking changes being developed on a branch
v6_5_5 04/19/2018 non-lin drift model, StrawHit uses StrawId, changes to CRV products (not built)
v6_5_4 04/19/2018 ComboHit replaces products, trk algo changes, new CRV products, new geant (not built)
v6_5_3 03/10/2018 checkpoint before triggerDev merge - add parameterized field model option (not built)
v6_5_2 02/20/2018 art v2_10_02, remove Layer element from StrawId
v6_4_0 01/10/2018 art v2_09_04, new DYB generator, new physics lists, geometry, StrawHit mods
v6_3_4 01/10/2018 checkpoint before art upgrade
v6_3_3 11/01/2017 alignment and geometry updates
v6_3_2 09/28/2017 update CalPatRec, update CRV standalone, efficiencies, new CRV test geom
v6_3_1 08/31/2017 changes to tracking to allow 6-parameter fit (breaks CalPatRec for now), new BTrk
v6_3_0 08/28/2017 Upgrade to art v2_07_03 from v2_06_02
v6_2_5 08/28/2017 geom improvements, scons cleanup, code cleanup for new art
v6_2_4 07/17/2017 fix Z0 bug in DOE (not default) geom, add fixing modules and preventative changes
v6_2_3 06/29/2017 available target hole and uniform tracker planes (DOE rev), tracking, geom clean-ups
v6_2_2 06/08/2017 tag before tracking clean-up and refactoring changes
v6_2_1a 06/01/2017 geant4 v4_10_2_p03a, only, fixes crash in cosmic stage 1
v6_2_1 05/08/2017 For CRV tests; many changes (see Release notes).
v6_2_0 04/14/2017 geant update to v4_10_2_p03
v6_1_5 04/14/2017 geometry updates (capture state before geant update)
v6_1_1 03/17/2017 Add building geometry, remove user stanza (CRV deadtime study)
v6_0_7 02/28/2017 buildopts, UPS and code for trigger; geometry for HRS and building, genreflex
v6_0_6 02/03/2017 B. Echenard rewrite of calorimeter code
v6_0_4 01/18/2017 DownstreameMinus -> DeM, widespread changes for tracking code structure
v6_0_2 10/16/2016 fix overlap in STM shield geometry
v6_0_0 10/04/2016 art version to v2_06_02a, root version 6
v5_7_9 09/02/2016 MBS geometry updates
v5_7_8 08/09/2016 satellite releases, geometry cleanup
v5_7_7 07/11/2016 fix logical variable memory in CosmicDYB, fix OPA, geometry cleanups
v5_7_6 05/09/2016 Assorted bug fixes to the CalPatRec chain (cd3 cosmic s4 and analysis)
v5_7_5 05/07/2016 code maintenance
v5_7_4 04/29/2016 updates to CRV, Trk, Cal. (cd3 cosmic s3 - pass2)
v5_7_3 04/18/2016 building and electronics geometry for radiation
v5_7_2 04/01/2016 update PID, CutAndCount
v5_7_1 03/27/2016 changes to CRV reco code, neutron shielding
v5_7_0 03/24/2016 Update MVA weights, straw response to match measurements, CRV sheilding, art v1_17_07 fcl validation tools
v5_6_7 02/27/2016 code and geometry maintenance, (cd3 cosmic s3 - pass1)
v5_6_6 02/12/2016 updated model of the tracker (cd3 beam s4- pass 2, cd3 cosmic s2)
v5_6_5 02/06/2016
v5_6_3 01/29/2016
v5_6_0 12/22/2015
v5_5_6 11/24/2015
v5_5_2 11/20/2015
v5_5_4 11/17/2015
v5_5_1 11/03/2015
v5_5_0 10/25/2015
v5_4_7 10/06/2015
v5_4_6 09/20/2015 (cd3 beam s4)
v5_4_5 08/25/2015 (cd3 beam s3)
v5_4_4 08/16/2015
v5_4_3 07/20/2015 (cd3 beam s2)
v5_4_2 07/15/2015 (cd3 cosmic s1)
v5_4_1 07/13/2015
v5_3_6 07/02/2015
v5_3_5 07/01/2015
v5_3_4 06/19/2015
v5_3_3 04/22/2015 (cd3 beam s1)
v5_3_2 04/10/2015
v5_3_1 04/04/2015
v5_3_0 03/23/2015
v5_2_2 02/06/2015