Young Mu2e

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Young Mu2e represents all early-career scientists working for the Mu2e collaboration by

  1. being an identifiable peer group to support all its members,
  2. acting as a useful resource for the collaboration, and
  3. advising the collaboration on issues relevant to early-career scientists.

Our constitution can be found in DocDB-14850 and the changes to the Mu2e Bylaws that allowed for our creation can be found in DocDB-13571.


You are a member of Young Mu2e if you are a member of Mu2e and are a student (undergraduate or graduate), a post-doc, a research associate, a pre-tenure professor, a research scientist, or otherwise consider yourself to be at the start of your career.

The most recent list of Young Mu2e members is in DocDB-14850. If you are not on that list and should be, then let the President know and we will sort it out.

How To Keep In Touch


To make sure you keep up-to-speed with our activities sign up to our listserv mailing list:

  • send an e-mail to listserv [at] fnal [dot] gov
  • leave the subject line blank
  • type "SUBSCRIBE MU2E-YOUNG FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (without the quotation marks)
  • see for more details


We also have a Slack channel:

  • go to, enter your e-mail address and join the "Mu2e" team
  • we have a special channel called #youngmu2e

For any other enquiries, feel free to contact the President.


Young Mu2e has a President, voted for by the members of Young Mu2e, as well as a variety of officer positions.

In addition we have a voting position Mu2e's Executive Board, who is voted for by the whole Mu2e collaboration.

Current membership (as of 2018-03-27)

  • President: Manolis Kargiantoulakis
  • Executive Board Member: Yuri Oksuzian
  • Event Coordinator/Muon Journal Club: Giani Pezzullo
  • Outreach Officer: Andy Edmonds


To give you an idea of what we do, here are a selection of past events that we have organised:

Bob Bernstein's Academic Careers Talk

Bob gave a very useful and enlightening talk March 6th 2018 about job searches.