Young Mu2e

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Young Mu2e represents all early-career scientists and engineers working in the Mu2e collaboration by

  1. being an identifiable peer group to support all its members,
  2. acting as a useful resource for the collaboration, and
  3. advising the collaboration on issues relevant to early-career members.

Our constitution can be found in DocDB-14850 and the changes to the Mu2e Bylaws that allowed for our creation can be found in DocDB-13571.


You are a member of Young Mu2e if you are a member of the Mu2e collaboration and are a student (undergraduate or graduate), a post-doc, a research associate, a pre-tenure professor, a research scientist, or otherwise consider yourself to be an early-career member.

The most recent list of Young Mu2e members is in DocDB-14850. If you are not on that list and should be, then contact the President or any Officer (see below) and you will be added.

How To Keep In Touch


To make sure you keep up-to-speed with our activities sign up to our listserv mailing list:

  • send an e-mail to listserv [at] fnal [dot] gov
  • leave the subject line blank
  • type (into the body, not the subject) "SUBSCRIBE MU2E-YOUNG FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (without the quotation marks)
  • see for more details

To unsubscribe, do the same as above but type the command "UNSUBSCRIBE MU2E-YOUNG" (without the quotation marks) in the body of the message


We also have a Slack channel:

  • go to, enter your e-mail address and join the "Mu2e" workspace at
  • we have a special channel therein called #youngmu2e

For any other enquiries, feel free to contact the President or any Officer.


Mu2e also uses hypernews for some mailing lists (see here) and, although there is not a Young Mu2e specific hypernews, a few useful lists for our members are:

  • Job Opportunities: where most job opportunities are posted
  • HELP! Is it me or a bug?: where you can post any problems you have with Mu2e code


Young Mu2e has a President, voted for by the members of Young Mu2e, as well as a variety of officer positions.

In addition we have a voting position Mu2e's Executive Board, who is voted for by the whole Mu2e collaboration.

Current Officers (2024-25)

  • President: Gonzalo Diaz
  • Executive Board Member: Yongyi Wu
  • Vice-President: Namitha Chithiraseemadam
  • Event Coordinator: Dylan Palo
  • Communications Officer: Leo Borrel
  • International Officer: Huma Jafree
  • EDI Liaison: Tyler Horoho

If an officer role is vacant and you would like to volunteer, then e-mail the President who will be happy to hear from you.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

Young Mu2e is engaged in the equity, diversity and inclusion efforts of the collaboration. The EDI Office has a website here, where you can find more information as well as the contact information of the two EDI Contacts.

In 2024, Young Mu2e added an EDI Liaison to our committee, their role is to provide contact with members and the main office. They do not enforce code of conduct, and any serious issues should go to the main EDI team. However, our officer can assist you in making that connection if you wish. They are also responsible for promoting EDI within Young Mu2e and ensuring various EDI related events/workshops/dates are celeratated and advertised within the Young Mu2e group.

Events, Activities

A selection of past and ongoing Young Mu2e events and activities.

Young Mu2e Introductory Lectures

A set of introductory lectures on Mu2e subsystems, addressed to early-career and new collaborators. A great opportunity for learning and communication, for both the speakers and the audience. Summer students especially benefit from the Summer Lectures, which are co-organized with MUSE.

Muon Department Journal Club

A Journal Club meeting that brings together early-career scientists from Mu2e and g-2. The Young Mu2e Events Coordinator is co-organizing this with a person from g-2. Slides from these meetings can be found at the Indico event page:

Saturday Morning Physics: Muon Campus tours

SMP brings high school students to Fermilab on Saturday mornings. In the fall of 2018, Mu2e was added for the first time in the SMP tour rotation, as part of the joint Muon Campus tour with g-2!

Young Mu2e meetings (during Collaboration Meetings)

3/6/2018 - Talk by Bob Bernstein: Academic Careers and how to apply for them

Bob shared his invaluable advice on academic careers and job applications. Application advice highlights:

  • Don't overthink everything
  • Every talk is a job talk
  • Every interaction with the committee counts
  • Every nice thing you do yields payoff: help your colleagues

Young Fermilab Soccer Tournament

A soccer tournament between early-career organizations across Fermilab groups! The Muon Department team made it to the final of the 1st tournament on 5/19/2018, where we lost to the mighty joint CMS/TD team -- but we did beat the Neutrino team! It was a very fun and well attended event.

Mu2e swag!

Mu2e swag designed by Young Mu2e members: t-shirts, mugs, magnets.



Elsewhere on the wiki

Suggested reading

Lepton Family Feud

  • Test your Mu2e IQ with this quiz, designed by Cole Kampa.

Still can't find what you're looking for?

  • try asking on #basicqs on slack