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On this page we reserve run number ranges to attempt to prevent multiple uses for a single run number. This is important to not generate conflicting file names or conditions database entries, and to improve communication and documentation.

Only the Calibration Coordinator or Offline Co-leaders are allowed to reserve run ranges.

  • use the next available numbers above the reserved, below 1M.
  • be modest in the number reserved (you can always come back for more)

Organization of run-dependent simulation is under development, and may require a special block.

Introduction talk

Reserved run numbers

The "Organizer" of a run number range has the primary responsibility to assure the group using the run numbers stays within the run range, or arrange for another block of numbers.

Start End Name Organizer Notes
1 99 userSpace Rob Kutschke arbitrary user needs (not production)
100 999 offline Rob Kutschke scratch or temporary experiments
1000 1000 nominalSim Rob Kutschke default run for simple, nominal simulation
1001 1099 legacy Rob Kutschke numbers commonly used in simulation before this system
1100 1199 database tests Ray Culbertson run dependence tests
1200 1299 MDC2020 Dave Brown (LBL) MDC2020 production simulation with run dependence
1300 4999 tracker VST Richie Bonventre tracker VST 2020-2021
5000 ... ... .... next reservations
100000 199999 Central TDAQ Greg Rakness data produced at the Mu2e hall using the central TDAQ

Some History

Ray talk page 3
Richie talk page 7

Approximate survey of existing run numbers. 1000 is current example for sim.

    count runnumber
    19 1
      1 2
      1 3
      5 4
      1 5
      1 7
     23 1000
     10 1001
    234 1002
      6 1052
      3 1053
      1 1357
      6 1500
     11 1600
      5 1700
     10 1800
      1 2000
      1 2001
      9 2700
     20 2701
      2 2705
     57 4001
      1 4002
      3 5001
      1 9002
      1 645440
      1 1792836
      2 2102784
      1 3344213
    115 11911024-19236224