Mu2e Offline

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The Mu2e Offline code (reconstruction and simulation) is based in the GitHub Offline repository. The directories and direct contents of Offline are listed below, with a brief description.

Mue2/Offline branches
directory name contents description
Analyses description
AnalysisConditions description
AnalysisConfig description
AnalysisUtilities description
BeamlineGeom description
BFieldGeom description
BFieldTest description
bin Binary files used to setup and test the Offline build
boost_fix description
BTrkData Data objects used as part of the BTrk (BaBar) Kalman filter fit
buildopts executable to control the build options used in this release
CaloCluster description
CaloDiag description
CaloFilters description
CaloMC description
CaloReco description
CalorimeterGeom description
CalPatRec description
CampaignConfig description
CommonMC Monte Carlo modules and algorithms that are used throughout Mu2e
ConditionsBase description
ConditionsService description
ConfigTools description
CosmicRayShieldGeom description
CosmicReco description
CRVAnalysis description
CRVFilters description
CRVResponse description
CutAndCountAnalysis description
DAQ description
DataProducts Low-level data objects used in simulation, reconstruction, and the Offline representation of raw data
DbExample description
DbService description
DbTables description
DetectorSolenoidGeom description
EventDisplay description
EventGenerator description
EventMixing Modules and algorithms used to overlay incidental background detector pileup on top of simulated signal or calibration events
ExternalShieldingGeom description
ExtinctionMonitorFNAL description
fcl common fhicl (.fcl) files used to conf
Filters description
G4Helper description
gen description
GeneralUtilities description
GeometryService description
GeomPrimitives description
GlobalConstantsService description
HelloWorld description
JobConfig description
KalmanTests (obsolete, deprecated) Modules and algorithms to inspect the direct results of the BTrk Kalman filter fit. Superseded by TrkDiag.
lib description
LICENSE description
MBSGeom description
MCDataProducts description
MECOStyleProtonAbsorberGeom description
Mu2eBTrk description
Mu2eG4 description
Mu2eHallGeom description
Mu2eInterfaces description
Mu2eReco description
Mu2eUtilities description
ParticleID description
Print description
ProditionsService description
ProductionSolenoidGeom description
ProductionTargetGeom description
Projects description
ProtonBeamDumpGeom description description
RecoDataProducts description
ReleaseNotes description
Sandbox description
SConstruct description
scripts description
SeedService description
ServicesGeom description description
SimulationConditions description
SimulationConfig description
site_scons description
Sources description
STMGeom description
StoppingTargetGeom description
TestTools description
TEveEventDisplay description
tmp description
TrackCaloMatching description
TrackerAlignment description
TrackerConditions description
TrackerConfig description
TrackerGeom description
TrackerMC Producer modules and associated helper algorithms used to simulate the response of the tracker straws to G4 energy deposits
Trigger description
TrkDiag Analyzer modules and associated tools used to study and optimize the tracker simulation and track reconstruction
TrkExt description
TrkFilters Filter modules used to select tracks satisfying minimal content and/or property conditions.
TrkHitReco Producer modules used to reconstruct track hit objects from digis, and distinguish noise hits from signals generated by physical particles.
TrkPatRec Producer modules and algorithms used in the tracker hit-based track pattern recognition.
TrkReco General tools used in track reconstruction.
ups_install description
UtilityModules description
Validation description