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From Chris Green 10/2019. Assuming you wish to build a ROOT UPS product in a temporary place and then install it elsewhere:

  1. Ensure the relevant product stack is installed and accessible via PRODUCTS.
  2. Make a temporary products area:
  3. mkdir product-tmp cd product-tmp
  4. Initialize it from an existing UPS area:
  5. tar -C ${PRODUCTS%%:*} -c .upsfiles | tar xv
  6. Obtain the correct source tarball:
  7. curl -O -J -L --fail | \ tar xj
  8. ...and build:
  9. ./root/v6_16_00/ e17 debug tar
  10. Unwind the tarball in the location from which you wish to use it (removing the existing build first if necessary) and then remove product-tmp.

Building in a temporary area and then installing the tarball will take care of removing intermediate build products which are not part of the final build (object files, etc., etc.).